.~ Specialized instruction processing in support of testing, debugging, emulation
Classification: 712/227
Specialized instruction processing in support of testing, debugging, emulation:
(under subclass 220) Subject matter including means or steps for execution or sequencing of instruction data that support testing, debugging, or emulation.
(1) Note. Classification in this subclass requires more than nominal recitation of execution of an instruction. Specific means or steps involved in the specific execution of the instruction itself are properly classified in this subclass.
(2) Note. This subclass is directed to instruction level
processing for debugging. A software development environment for compilers is classified elsewhere.
(3) Note. This subclass is distinguished from the related topics under data processing system reliability and availability. There, a fault condition must be encountered and the fault is either detected, located, or recovered from, and nominal instruction data processing may be claimed. For classification here, a fault may be nominally recited but substantial instruction processing must be claimed.
(4) Note. This subclass is distinguished from emulation, per se. There, nominal instruction data processing may be claimed. For classification here, an emulation may be nominally recited, but substantial instruction processing must be claimed.
395, Information Processing System Organization, 500, for emulation and simulation, per se, subclass 527 for emulation of system component for compatibility, subclasses 704+ for compilers, program code analyzers, and debuggers.
709, Electrical Computers and Digital Processing Systems: Multiple Computer or Process Coordinating,
1+, for task management, per se.
714, Electrical Computers and Digital Processing Systems- Error Detection/Correction & Fault Detection/Recovery, appropriate subclasses, particularly