.~ Three or more layered diverse packaging materials having at least one metal layer
Classification: 426/126
(under subclass 106) Subject matter wherein the packaging material is composed of three or more different layers with at least one layer being metallic.
(1) Note. Each and every layer disclosed, whether considered in the document as a base layer or an adhesive layer is construed to be a separate layer for purposes of placement in this subclass.
(2) Note. It is not a requirement that for the three minimum layered packaging material that there be three different layering materials. It is sufficient for this subclass to have two layering materials arranged in the three layers. For instance is proper herein.
(3) Note. Not considered within the confines of this subclass are packages which are prepared from single layer packaging material which is in an overlapping relation along an edge with itself or rolled over itself to form a bag or container and which is autogenously or with an added adhesive bonded to itself.
220, Receptacles,
64, for coated metallic receptacles and other receptacles not provided for elsewhere. 427, Coating Processes, for processes of coating in general.
428, Stock Material or Miscellaneous Articles, appropriate subclasses, for a stock material product in the form of a single or plural layer web or sheet, and especially 411+ for
a nonstructure composite web or sheet characterized merely by the composition of the layers; and
544+, particularly subclasses 615+ for metallic stock materials which comprise at least two different contiguous metallic layers.