(under subclass 109) Subject matter including apparatus for receiving a light wave signal and reradiating the signal at a different carrier frequency and usually at a higher energy level or in a desired direction.
(1) Note. Where the transmitted signal has a different information content than the received signal, classification is not in this subclass.
152+, for optical transceivers in an optical communication system.
154+, for an optical transmitter and receiver system in an optical communication system.
180+, for an optical transmitter in an optical communication system.
189+, for an optical receiver in an optical communication system.
SEE OR SEARCH CLASS 178, Telegraphy,
70+, for repeaters specific to telegraphy.
330, Amplifiers, for amplifier systems in general, particularly
10, for modulator-demodulator type amplifiers for amplifying direct current or slowly varying alternating current signals.
332, Modulators,
183, for modulation converters for converting one modulated wave to a differently modulated wave (e.g., pulse modulation to frequency modulation or frequency modulation to amplitude modulation); subclass 108 for plural stage modulation systems wherein each stage is of the same or diverse type of
modulation, the last stage being of the pulse modulation type; subclasses 119+ or 144+ for plural stage modulation systems wherein the last stage is of the phase or frequency modulation type; and subclasses 151+ for plural stage modulation systems wherein the last stage is of the amplitude modulation type.
333, Wave Transmission Lines and Networks,
117+, for hybrid type networks.
340, Communications: Electrical,
291, for signal box repeaters which repeat, for example, signals received at a central station to a plurality of fire houses.
375, Pulse or Digital Communications, 211+, for repeater for a pulse or digital signal in the radio frequency range.
455, Telecommunications,
7+, for repeaters for analog signals in the radio frequency range.