(under subclass 95) Process wherein an explosive or exothermic chemical agent is utilized to treat a metal article or stock.
(1) Note. Since the use of an explosive agent may be considered to involve working, the metal working classes provide for the use of an explosive agent. It is emphasized here that the line between Class 148 and the metal working classes requires that there be a separate step from the
explosion in which there is a change in the internal physical structure (i.e., microstructure) or chemical properties or that the explosive force changes the microstructure without deforming of the metal to be placed in this subclass.
(2) Note. The use of the exothermic agent must be to produce heat for modifying or maintaining the internal physical structure or chemical properties of the metal which is in a separate step from the step of bonding by fusing or welding which is provided for in the mechanical treating classes.
29, Metal Working,
421.2, for a process using an explosive agent to shape metal.