.~.~.~ Age or precipitation hardened or strengthened
Classification: 148/326
Age or precipitation hardened or strengthened:
(under subclass 325) Stock material which has been first heated to a relatively high temperature to cause ingredients thereof to dissolve to form a solid solution and then aged, or heated to a lower temperature for an extended period of time whereby phases are precipitated which increase the hardness, or strength of the material.
(1) Note. Often after the first high temperature heating "solution treatment" the material is quenched to room temperature before being heated to age or precipitate.
(2) Note. The aging, or precipitation may take place at room temperature for some material, but there must be a positive recitation of "aging", or "precipitation", or words to that effect in the claims to place a material here.
(3) Note. "Solution" treated material which has not been positively claimed as given an aging, or precipitation
treatment is excluded herefrom and placed in subclasses 325 or 327 as appropriate.