(under subclass 488) Subject matter including speed, velocity, or acceleration measuring combined with a wheel or a disc mounted to spin rapidly about an axis and also free to rotate about one or both of two axes perpendicular to each other and to the axis of spin.
503.3, for determining speed or velocity by utilizing a gyroscope integrating time and acceleration.
504.02+, for measuring angular rate by use of a gyroscope.
33, Geometrical Instruments,
316+, for a gyromagnetic compass, subclasses 318+ for a gyroscopically controlled or stabilized geometric instrument for indicating a direction of force traversing natural media, and subclass 329 for a gyroscope mounted lever indicator.
74, Machine Element or Mechanism, 5+, for a gyroscope, per se, and especially subclass 5.43 for
plural gyroscopes, subclasses 5.37+ for a gyroscope control, and subclass 5.6 for a gyroscope with a pick off.
244, Aeronautics,
79, for gyroscopically actuated aircraft control, subclass 165 for a gyroscopic attitude control for a spacecraft.
250, Radiant Energy,
231.12, for photocell apparatus comprising a gyroscopic light valve and subclass 233 for photocell circuit having a rotary light chopper-type light valve.
318, Electricity: Motive Power Systems,
648+, for a gyroscope used in platform stabilization.