.~ Plural motive fluid generating means or plural outlets
Classification: 60/263
(under subclass 200.1) Apparatus having (1) two or more motive fluid producing means, means to combine the motive fluid issuing from said producing means, and either single or plural ejecting means through which said combined motive fluid may pass or (2) two or more motive fluid ejecting means receiving motive fluid from a single motive fluid producing means.
(1) Note. Concentric nozzles are not considered plural if fluid from one nozzle is discharged within the confines and upstream of the discharging extremity of another of the nozzles.
201, for reaction motors arranged to turn about an axis when in operation and having a plurality of motive fluid ejecting means.
224+, for a plurality of reaction motors which are interrelated either because one is responsive to a condition of another or two or more reaction motors are responsive to a single means.
229, for motors having plural selectively usable motive fluid ejecting means to vary the thrust magnitude. 262, for motors having plural combustion chambers but wherein passage means is provided for the ambient air supply for one combustion chamber which extends from a point before to a point after another combustion chamber.