This is the generic class for subject matter involving (a) superconductor technology above 30 K and (b) Art collections involving superconductor technology. Apparatus, devices, materials, and processes involving such technology are included herein.
(1) Note. Precursors of high temperature (Tc greater than 30 K) superconducting material under the class definition or process of producing the same are placed in this class if proportionally constituted to provide the desired superconducting product upon decomposition, heating, deoxygenation, or oxidation.
The following class(es)/subclass(es) in References to Other Classes, below, specifically provide for subject matter including superconductors functioning at temperatures of 30[supscrpt] [end supscrpt]K and below.
29, Metal Working,
599, for process of mechanical manufacture of a superconductor.
174, Electricity: Conductors and Insulators, 15.4, for cryogenic or superconductor apparatus with cooling or fluid feeding, subclass 15.5 for cable with cooling or
fluid feeding, subclass 125.1 for superconductor conduit, cable or conductor structure.
204, Chemistry: Electrical and Wave Energy,
192.24, for forming a superconductor by coating, forming, or etching using a sputtering operation.
257, Active Solid-State Devices (e.g., Transistors, Solid-State Diodes),
31, 36 for Josephson tunneling type superconductive devices (subclass 33 for high temperature type devices) and subclasses 661 through 663 for devices with superconductive contacts or leads.
323, Electricity: Power Supply or Regulation Systems,
360, for superconductive transformer or inductor.
324, Electricity: Measuring and Testing,
248, for superconductive magnetic measuring device (i.e., magnetometer).
327, Miscellaneous Active Electrical Nonlinear Devices, Circuits, and Systems,
186, for a miscellaneous superconducting stable state circuit, subclasses 366+ for miscellaneous superconducting gating circuits, and subclasses 527+ for miscellaneous superconducting circuits. 331, Oscillators,
107, for superconductive solid state active element oscillator.
333, Wave Transmission Lines and Networks,
99, for miscellaneous superconductive wave transmission line or network.
335, Electricity: Magnetically Operated Switches, Magnets, and Electromagnets,
216, for superconductive magnet or electromagnet.
336, Inductor Devices, Dig. 1 for superconductive inductor.
338, Electrical Resistors,
32, for superconductive resistance device responsive to magnetic field.
361, Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices,
19, for superconductor protective circuit and subclass 141 for control circuit for electromagnetic device(s) including superconductivity. 365, Static Information Storage and Retrieval,
160, for superconductive static information storage device, subclass 161 for superconductive thin film-type static information storage device, and subclass 162 for superconductive Josephson junction type static information storage device.
374, Thermal Measuring and Testing,
176, for temperature measurement by electric or magnetic heat sensor including sensor having hysteresis or cryogenic property (e.g., ferromagnetism, superconductivity, etc.).
377, Electrical Pulse Counters, Pulse Dividers, or Shift Registers: Circuits and Systems,
93, for a superconductive element with subject matter of the class.
420, Alloys or Metallic Compositions, art collection 901 for superconductive alloy or metallic composition.
427, Coating Processes,
62+, for process of coating to produce an electrical superconductor.
428, Stock Material or Miscellaneous Articles, art collection 930 for superconductive stock material.
JOSEPHSON EFFECT The passage of paired electrons (Cooper pairs) through a weak connection (Josephson junction) between superconductors as in the tunnel passage of paired electrons through a thin dielectric layer separating two superconductors.
A weak connection between superconductors through which the Josephson effect is realized.
Superconducting QUantum Interference Device
The state of a superconductor in which it exhibits superconductivity.
of or pertaining to a material or device which is capable of exhibiting superconductivity.
A property of a material that is characterized by zero electrical resistivity and, ideally, zero permeability.