.~ Comprising opening, valve, or inflation tube for insertion of fluid
Classification: 473/611
Comprising opening, valve, or inflation tube for insertion of fluid:
(under subclass 569) Subject matter comprising (a) a breech or aperture for use in a game projectile for allowing passage of fluid into or from within the projectile (opening), (b) a mechanical device for use in a game projectile for starting, stopping, or regulating the flow of fluid into or from within the projectile (valve), or (c) a hollow flexible cylinder or pipe for use in a game projectile, which cylinder or pipe is capable of being tied off to prevent flow of fluid into or from within the projectile (inflation tube); and wherein the opening, valve, or inflation tube is intended to form part of or be used in a game projectile for introducing fluid into, or allowing escape of fluid from, the projectile.
(1) Note. This subclass takes (a) an opening, valve, or inflation tube, per se, or (b) an opening, valve, or inflation tube and only so much of a projectile as is necessary to define the opening, valve, or inflation tube. Compare this with subclass 610 above which takes the combination of an opening, valve, or inflation tube and a projectile.