Having contest condition indicator (e.g., lap counter, timer, start indicator, etc.):
(under subclass 54) Subject matter including structure arranged to test, measure, or display the status of a race.
(1) Note. To be properly placed in this or the indented subclass, the condition tested, measured, or displayed is a conditional aspect of the contest, per se, as opposed to the status of a peripheral structure associated with the game structure that has no informational value to the contest.
73, Measuring and Testing, especially
488+, for speed or acceleration measurement.
116, Signals and Indicators,
222, 225 for a mechanical signal or indicator, per se, which is intended to form part of or to be used with a game device. 235, Registers, for a register, per se, intended for use in a game, particularly
1, for a miscellaneous game counter, subclass 61 for an odds computer, subclass 78 for a game calculator having concentric totalizing disks mounted upon a single axis, subclass 88 for a game calculator having tabular indicia placed upon disks which rotate about their centers, subclass 90 for a cribbage board, subclass 91 for a device for operating a register involving a billiard or pool game device, and subclasses 439+ for a coded record sensor structure (e.g., bar code reader, etc.).
340, Communications: Electrical, especially
323+, for game reporting, and 988+ for a vehicle position indicator.
364, Electrical Computers and Data Processing Systems,
410.1+, for data processing or computation, per se, for the purpose of analyzing, monitoring, or scoring a contest or game, which is not classifiable elsewhere.
368, Horology: Time Measuring Systems or Devices, appropriate subclass for time measurement means, especially
3, for game controlled time measurement and subclasses 89+ for time interval measurement.
377, Electrical Pulse Counters, Pulse Dividers, or Shift Registers: Circuits and Systems, especially
5, for game or sport applications, subclass 9 for vehicle counting, and subclasses 19+ for measuring or testing applications.