A liquid or solid composition designed primarily to react chemically, usually with oxygen in air, to produce heat in controllable amounts, included are most compositions designed to produce both heat and a deoxygenating effect in metallurgical and similar processes, designated to be dispersed in air for explosive combustion in an engine and/or designed to produce illumination light along with heat upon combustion.
A process for making such composition by adding substances, by removing components (using chemical or physico-chemical procedures) by shaping or reshaping or arranging fuel elements or object in a particular relation to each other, except where provided for in another class.
Apparatus specialized for use in an above process and not provided for in a single other class.
An additive which imparts desire aesthetic, handling or burning properties to a fuel, or a composition useful only for scratching a match or removing soot from a combustion-related apparatus.
Certain combinations of fuel with an igniting composition, an incombustible carrier for the fuel, a wrapper of bundling material or an additive as described above.
A solid product of a Class 201 thermolytic distillation process not elsewhere classifiable.
A process for treating coal not elsewhere classifiable.
NOTES TO THE CLASS DEFINITION (1) Note. In this class a process for making a fuel product is classified with the product, except where specifically
provided for elsewhere.
When the expression "organic compound" is used in this class, it means a compound which fulfills the requirements of the Class 260 class definition, i.e., the molecule is characterized by two carbons bonded together, one atom of carbon bonded to at least one atom of hydrogen or halogen, or one atom of carbon bonded to at least one atom of nitrogen by a single or double bond. Certain compounds are exceptions to this rule, i.e., HCN, CN-CN, HNCO, HNCS, cyanogen halides, cyanamide, fulminic acid and metal carbides.
The rules for determining Class placement of the Original Reference (OR) for claimed chemical compositions are set forth in the Class Definition of Class 252 in the section LINES WITH OTHER CLASSES AND WITHIN THIS CLASS, subsection COMPOSITION CLASS SUPERIORITY, which includes a hierarchical ORDER OF SUPERIORITY FOR COMPOSITION CLASSES.
34, Drying and Gas or Vapor Contact With Solids, appropriate subclasses for a process limited to a drying step for the removal of moisture or other liquid impurity from a solid fuel.
48, Gas: Heating and Illumination, appropriate subclasses especially
197+, for a fuel composition which is a mixture of gages and a process for making such a composition from solid and/or liquid material, e.g., coal, oil, water, etc., especially subclasses 209, 210 and 211 for a process for producing a gas as a desired product from wood, coal and/ or oil, weather or not a liquid and/ or solid fuel is produced as a by-product or an additional desired product.
60, Power Plants,
200.1, for a reaction motor which may contain a claimed fuel. 75, Specialized Metallurgical Processes, Compositions for Use Therein, Consolidated Metal Powder Compositions, and Loose Metal Particulate Mixtures, appropriate subclasses for a method which produces a free metal from a metal compound, whether or not a fuel composition is also produced.
102, Ammunition and Explosives, appropriate subclasses for incendiary bombs and projectiles, and appropriate subclasses for an ammunition or explosive charge or device having a fuse for ignition mass or surface.
106, Compositions: Coating or Plastic, appropriate subclasses for a coating or plastic composition not useful primarily as a fuel, including a composition which may be used as a binder for fuel particles for a coating for fuel.
110, Furnaces, appropriate subclasses for industrial apparatus for burning a solid fuel, which apparatus does not claim the fuel itself, or a process for burning or igniting solid fuel, including a process wherein fuels are blended or mixed or an additive is applied to a fuel within a solid-fuel burner or apparatus ancillary thereto, such as provided for in that class (110).
118, Coating Apparatus, appropriate subclasses for a device useful only for applying a coating material to a substrate, e.g., a solid fuel.
126, Stoves and Furnaces, appropriate subclasses for a domestic apparatus and process along the same lines as Class 110, above.
131, Tobacco,
329, and 349+ for tobacco-containing products intended to be burned.
137, Fluid Handling, appropriate subclasses fora method or apparatus for transporting or allowing the transporting or allowing the transport of, a liquid or gaseous material, e.g, a fuel.
144, Woodworking,
50+, for match making. 149, Explosive and Thermic Compositions or Charges, appropriate subclasses for thermite-type compositions, and those which include sufficient oxidizer (such as a chlorate or a nitrate) as a component thereof to provide at least the major portion necessary for its combustion. Solid rocket-propellant fuels are classified in Class 149. Fuels which undergo combustion in air are classified in this class (44). See (2) Note and (3) Note in the class definition of Class 149.
162, Paper Making and Fiber Liberation, for a process or apparatus for the purification or recovery of cellulose or other fibrous material for use other than as fuel.
196, Mineral Oils: Apparatus, appropriate subclasses for dewaxing, solvent extraction, refining, vaporizing, etc., apparatus.
201, Distillation: Processes, Thermolytic, appropriate subclasses for a process of carbonizing coal, oil shale, wood or other solid carbonaceous material not otherwise provided for, wherein a recoverable vapor or gas product is produced,
whether or not a usable fuel composition is also produced. The solid product of a Class 201 thermolytic distillation process, not elsewhere classifiable, is classified in this class (44).
202, Distillation: Apparatus, appropriate subclasses for apparatus for carbonizing solid carbonaceous material.
204, Chemistry: Electrical and Wave Energy, appropriate subclasses for a chemically reactive treatment of a fuel or related composition by direct exposure to electrical or wave energy where such treatment is performed either as a single step process or as the last step of a multistep process.
205, Electrolysis: Processes, Compositions Used Therein, and Methods of Preparing the Compositions, for electrolytic production or treatment of a fuel or related composition where such production or treatment is performed either as a single step process or as the last step of a multistep process.
206, Special Receptacle or Package,
85+, for a tobacco package with an igniter for the content, subclasses 96+ for a match packet, container assemblage of diverse components (i.e., a kit), one or more components of which may contain a fuel composition.
208, Mineral Oils: Processes and Products,
15+, for a liquid fuel which is entirely mineral oil-derived, and appropriate other subclasses for a process for producing such fuel from a solid or liquid mineral material. Also, a process for producing coke from mainly mineral oil material is classified in class 208. 209, Classifying, Separating, and Assorting Solids, appropriate subclasses, for a nonchemical method of removing an impurity from a solid fuel composition, e.g., by magnetism, sleving, flotation, etc.
241, Solid Material Comminution or Disintegration, appropriate subclasses for a process or apparatus for comminuting or breaking up solid fuel substances, alone or combined with a procedure for separating solids.
252, Compositions, appropriate subclasses for a composition no classifiable elsewhere, especially
70, for composition which may release heat due to a readily-reversible chemical reaction, subclass 373 for a gas composition which may have fuel value but which is intended for use as a chemical reactant and subclasses 502+ for an electrically conductive or emissive composition, e.g., an electrode, etc., containing elemental carbon. See also (1) Note, above.
264, Plastic and Nonmetallic Articles Shaping or Treating: Processes, appropriate subclasses for plastic-shaping methods, e.g.,
5, for shaping or treating explosive or propellant compositions, etc.
314, Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices: Consumable Electrodes,
60, for a consumable electrode.
422, Chemical Apparatus and Process Disinfecting, Deodorizing, Preserving, or Sterilizing, for an apparatus in general in which a chemical reaction takes place.
423, Chemistry of Inorganic Compounds, appropriate subclasses for an inorganic compound or element in a relatively pure state or a process for making such a material, especially
445+, for a method of producing pure elemental carbon, including a shaped form thereof, and subclasses 511+ for the recovery of elemental sulfur, for example, from mineral materials such as coal. 424, Drug, Bio-Affecting and Body Treating Compositions,
40+, for a composition which in burnable to produce an odorizing or deodorizing effect upon the atmosphere to other material, e.g., incense, etc.
426, Food or Edible Material: Processes, Compositions, and Products,
314+, for the application of a gaseous combustion product to a food or beverage.
431, Combustion, appropriate subclasses for a residual combustion or combustion-starting method or device, especially
289, for a candle device and subclass 288 for a candle or taper, per se, subclass 6 for a procedure for starting a fire, subclasses 72+ for the automatic control of an igniter and burner feed control, subclasses 258+ for a burner not specialized to the use of solid fuel having an electrical igniter, (and see the search notes to this subclass for a statement of the classification of electrical igniters) and subclass 267 for a residual frictional, chemical or percussive-type igniter, and see the search notes to this subclass for a statement of the classification of other igniters of this type. See the Search Class references in the class definitions of Class 431 to other classes in which such methods or devices may be found. See particularly the reference to class 44 for a statement of the distribution of the art between Classes 44 and 431.
502, Catalyst, Solid Sorbent or Support Therefor: Product or Process of Making,
416+, for a composition containing free carbon intended for use as an adsorbent or a method for making such composition.
585, Chemistry of Hydrocarbon Compounds,
1+, especially subclass 14, for a fuel composition which is is mixture of only hydrocarbons, and appropriate subclasses, especially subclass 302, for methods of making such compositions involving the synthesis of at least one hydrocarbon component.
GLOSSARY: The organic chemical structure terminology used in this class is consistent with that used in the Glossary for the Class 532 - Organic Compounds-Part of the Class 532-570 Series (Published May 22, 1984 in Addendum No. 1 - Order No. 946), except as otherwise noted.
Defined as a fuel object, of a size suitable to be manipulated by a human hand, made, by consolidating, usually including pressing and shaping, smaller-sizes, loose, broken, comminuted or other divided carbonaceous powder, particles, chunks, lumps, fibers, sheets, etc.
Used in this class, it means an organic compound which consists exclusively of carbon and hydrogen.