.~ Zn, Cd, Hg, Sc, Y, or Actinides, or Lanthanides {1}
.~.~ Lanthanide or Actinide
Classification: 436/82
Lanthanide or Actinides:
(under subclass 81) Processes or compositions directed to the analysis of elements with atomic numbers 57-71 or 89-103 inclusive.
(1) Note. The Lanthanides are: La (Lanthanum), Ce (Cerium), Pr (Praseadymium), Nd (Neodymium), II (Illinium) or Pm (Promethium), Sm (Samarium), Eu (Europium), Gd (Gadolinium), Tb (Terbium), Dy (Dysprosium), Ho (Holmium, Er (Erbium), Tm (Thulium), Y (Ytterbium), and Lu (Lutecium).
(2) Note. The Actinides are: Elements with atomic numbers 89-103 inclusive, Ac (Actinium), Th (Thorium), Pa (Prottactinium), U (Uranium), Np (Neptunium), Pu (Plutonium), Am (Americurium), BK (Berkelium), Cf (Californium), Es (Einsteinium), Fm (Ferium), Md (Mendelevium), No (Nobelium), and Lw (Lawrenceium).