(under subclass 276) Subject matter wherein a two-dimensional image is projected onto a three-dimensional surface so as to give the illusion that the image has a third dimension.
(1) Note. Systems and methods wherein images are mapped from two dimensions onto a three-dimensional surface and there is also more than nominal computer s:graphics processing of the transformed image data, appropriate classification is in Class 395, Information Processing System Organization, subclass 125.
(2) Note. In order to be classified in this subclass the conversion of two-dimensional image to a three-dimensional surface should include substantial image analysis*.
348, Television,
578, and 580 for three-dimensional special effects in video images, where the television is an integral part of the system.
345, Computer Graphics Processing, Operator Interface Processing, and Selective Visual Display Systems, 425, for mapping an image onto the surface of a three-dimensional object in a computer s:graphics environment.