Current as of: June, 1999
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40  DF  .~> Hemoglobin concentration {2}


Classification: 356/39

(under the class definition) Subject matter wherein a specimen of blood or tissue is tested in vitro (i.e., outside the body) for various conditions by means of visible light apparatus, and the blood testing apparatus is not elsewhere classified.


246, for fluid specimen containers.

335+, for the determination of particle size, or particle size and the number of particles for each size when determined by statistical methods.

337+, for the determination of the number of particles in a fluid medium by light scattering procedures using statistical methods.

441+, for the determination of the number of particles in a fluid medium by light absorption using statistical methods and the determination of turbidity of liquids generally. SEE OR SEARCH CLASS

377, Electrical Pulse Counters, Pulse Dividers, or Shift Registers: Circuits and Systems,

10, for particle counters with or without the sizing of the particles counted by arithmetical methods.

382, Image Analysis,

128+, for an image analyzing system designed specifically for, or utilized in microscopic cell analysis or other biomedical applications, where there is significant claim recitation of an image analyzing system and no claim recitation of significant structure to an external art environment.

422, Chemical Apparatus and Process Disinfecting, Deodorizing, Preserving, or Sterilizing,

44+, for apparatus for testing blood externally of a blooded animal

435, Chemistry: Molecular Biology and Microbiology,

2, for processes and compositions for the maintenance of blood (cells) in a physiologically active state or for the in vitro separation or treatment of blood cells; and subclasses 4+ for processes measuring or testing involving enzymes or measuring or testing involving enzymes or micro-organisms (e.g., bacteria, protozoa, actinomycetales, cyanobacteria, fungi, animal cells, plant cells, or virus); and subclasses 287+ for claimed or solely disclosed as a Class 435 process.

436, Chemistry: Analytical and Immunological Testing, appropriate subclasses for processes and compositions for determining qualitatively or quantitatively the chemical property or composition of a sample and for in vitro antigen-antibody analysis or composition, especially

66+, for processes or compositions for testing for hemoglobin, myo-globin, or trace blood; subclass 68 for processes or compositions for determining gases in the blood, and subclass 70 for processes and compositions for determining sedimentaion rate or hematocrit.

600, Surgery, 310+, for diagnostic medical apparatus which may utilize

visible light to test or inspect blood in vivo.