A. This class includes methods and apparatus (1) for analyzing light to measure or test its characteristics, such as intensity, color and polarization; (2) for determining the optical or nonoptical properties of materials or articles by noting, as by inspection, measurement, or test the effect produced by the materials or articles on light associated therewith; and (3) for measuring the dimensions of structures or the spatial relationships such as distances or angle bearings of spaced points by comparison of the respective properties (usually direction or spatial position) of the light from these points or by comparison of the properties of these lights with some scale or standard. The light analyzing includes or is for spectroscopy, interference, polarization, beam direction or pattern, focal position of a light source, shade or color, and photometers. The material or article properties determined are or involve crystal or gem examination, material strain analysis, blood analysis, optical pyrometers, egg candling, cutting blade sharpness, oil testing, document verification, flatness, lens or reflector testing, refraction testing, monitoring moving webs or fabrics, light transmission or absorption, light reflection, inspection for flaws or imperfections in materials, and thread counting.
The dimensioning and spatial relationship determination includes triangulation by a light beam, contour plotting, range or height finders, motion stopping, velocity or velocity/height measuring, sighting where the optical element or reticle moves with the sighted object, particle size determination, particle light scattering, electrophoresis, angle measuring or axial alignment, mensuration or configuration comparison, alignment in a lateral direction, and fiducial instruments.
B. Included also are apparatus and methods to facilitate the viewing of structure as for flaws and imperfections. The structure is usually optically significant such as transparent sheets or bottles or semi-transparent cloth; or the structure is inaccessible as a bore requiring a bore scope. Included also are methods and structure for preparing the sample for an optical test, and optical test standards.
C. Included also are apparatus and methods involving a plurality of measurements or tests each within the scope of this class; and also included are a measurement or test within the scope of this class together with a measurement or test or other art structure provided, per se, elsewhere, but where no provision for the combination is made elsewhere.
Class 33 provides for optical measurements of the light ray type within the scope of this class. See "Geometrical Instruments in This Class and in Class 33," section C, below,
for the subject matter placed in Class 33 and Class 356. Class 73 includes optical measuring and testing within the scope of its subclasses. See "Measuring and Testing in This Class and Class 73," section D, below, for the line between Class 73 and Class 356. Signal and indicating apparatus which may involve optics are classified elsewhere. See, for example, temperature, radiant energy, smoke, or gas indicators. Surgical diagnostic instruments which may involve optical measuring or testing on or in the body are elsewhere. Television systems for measuring and testing which may include optical elements are classified elsewhere. Photocells and associated circuitry together with optical structure which may involve measuring or testing are classified elsewhere. However, this Class 356 includes optical testing with a photoelectric light detector and usually claiming either an indicator or structure to support or contain the specimen or sample under test. Lamp and discharge device testing is classified elsewhere. Eye examining and testing instruments which may include optical measuring or testing are elsewhere. (See Subclass References to the Current Class and References to Other Classes, below, for subclass references of subject matter above.) B. TESTING AND MEASURING SUBCOMBINATIONS PROVIDED FORELSEWHERE
Optical elements which may be used in measuring and testing apparatus are classified elsewhere as are the conventional optical elements such as lenses, prisms, and mirrors. Subclasses relating to scale or indicia reading should be particularly noted. Photocell circuits and apparatus are elsewhere. Photo-sensitive discharge devices are classified elsewhere. Mechanical scales and gauges which may be part of optical measuring systems are elsewhere. Mechanical indicators which may be part of optical measuring systems classified elsewhere. Electrical indicating and measuring devices which may be part of optical measuring systems are classified elsewhere. (See References to Other Classes, below, for class/subclass references to these art areas.)
(1) Note. Telemetric signaling means useful in transmitting a measured quantity, not limited to any particular measuring instrument provided for in other classes, is classified elsewhere, while Class 356 takes such telemetric signaling means in combination with a particular measuring means of the type provided for in Class 356. (See References to Other Classes, below.)
This Class (356) provides for measuring devices which are used for determining spatial relationships, and which involve the establishment of an optical axis between the observer's station and a remote point and which include significant optical structure. This includes certain types of range-finders, angle or azimuth measuring instruments and velocity measuring devices as qualified below. In this
subject matter the recitation of specific optical details such as lens, prism, or mirror details is sufficient for classification in this Class 356. Exceptions which remain in Class 33 are bomb sights with specific optical line sighting instruments with a telescope or microscope recited even in some detail, and as a viewing aid to but not a part of the sighting instrument. Also where a plurality of optical functions are recited as, for example, plural reflections of a line of sight, classification is in this Class 356. Where optic is only recited broadly as, for example, "an optical axis", a "telescope", or a "deflection of the line of sight", the subject matter is generally classified in Class 33, as opposed to Class 356.
Also included in this Class 356 are instruments for visual sighting which in addition to having a field of view, perform an aiming or alignment function or establish a line of sight by means of an artificial reference and which include significant optical structure.
The geometrical instruments of this Class 356 usually either involve the determination of the direction of a point remote from an observer with respect to some reference direction where the two directions may be viewed and compared simultaneously; or the determination of the relative direction of two points remote from an observer where the two directions may be viewed and compared simultaneously. Optical structure is usually provided to facilitate this simultaneous viewing. The subject matter of Class 33 relates more to the direction determination by aiming an instrument on a point and later noting the direction of the aimed instrument with respect to some reference such as a level, compass, or other point. A mere single deflection of a line of sight as by a mirror or lens to facilitate the viewing is not precluded from Class 33. In the mensuration or figure comparison, the patents in this Class 356 include structure to facilitate the viewing (usually simultaneously) of the specimens, or configurations to be compared with other specimens or configurations or with scales, masters, or patterns.
A single sight line optical instrument such as a transit with structure for indicating the direction is classified in Class 33. However where such an instrument includes a sighting mark or scale at an optically critical position such as in the focal plane classification is in Class 356.
Comparison instruments which merge the rays from diverse directions for common viewing as in a split image range finder are classified in Class 356. However plural sighting instruments which merely aim on angularly separated points (even simultaneously) with mechanical reading of the directions are classified in Class 33. Space measuring instruments whose operation is essentially optical such as optical interferometers are classified in Class 356 as opposed to Class 33. Reticles and cross hairs generally are classified in Class 33. However, optical reticles which
reflect or refract light are classified in Class 356.
D. MEASURING AND TESTING IN THIS CLASS AND CLASS 73 This Class (356) provides for optical measuring and testing as defined above. Class 73 provides for measuring and testing which may include optical measuring and testing as defined, combined with some nonoptical limitations beyond the scope of this Class 356 and specifically provided for in Class 73. Specific provision exists in Class 73 when the measurement or test is of the type provided for by the subclasses of Class 73 definitions. For example, Class 73 provides for gas chromatography involving color determination of the Class 356 type together with some manipulation of the gas beyond the scope of Class 356. Again Class 73 provides for engine testing involving optical tests of the Class 356 type together with some mechanical manipulation of the parts beyond the scope of Class 356. In general Class 73 provides for measuring and testing of the type indicated by its subclass titles and definitions which may include optical steps together with other mechanical measuring and testing steps beyond the scope of Class 356. There are some patents presently in Class 73 which relate to measuring and testing as there provided, but which claim only optical subject matter within the scope of Class 356. Combinations of optical measuring or testing with other structure or methods is classified in Class 356 if no provision for such combinations exists elsewhere. (See References to Other Classes, below.)
An exception to the above involves cutting blade sharpness testing where Class 356 provides for the optical type with the remainder in Class 73. Another exception involves stress analysis where Class 356 provides for the optical type absent intentional loading of the specimen. The remainder is classified in Class 73, particularly for optical stress analysis with intentional loading of the specimen. (See Subclass References to the Current Class and References to Other Classes, below.)
This class is restricted to measuring and testing involving visible light. However where the measuring or testing involves infrared or ultraviolet radiation with apparatus optical in nature and nothing peculiar to such infra red and ultra violet radiation, classification is in this class. For example, optical equipment where the radiation was claimed as ultraviolet or infra red would be classified in this class, especially methods and apparatus for the inspection of solid or liquids by charged particles and invisible radiation responsive electric signalling methods and apparatus. See also THERMOCOUPLES AND BOLOMETERS, below. (See Subclass References to the Current Class, below.)
The examination of fluorescent and phosphorescent material or
organisms to determine their fluorescent or phosphorescent properties or the examination of invisible energy including ultraviolet light by subjecting fluorescent or phosphorescent material to invisible radiation is classified elsewhere even though the fluorescent or phosphorescent radiation is in the visible light range and the intensity and the frequency of the fluorescent or phosphorescent light is examined. Methods of determining oil presence, contamination or concentration, methods and apparatus using luminophor test material or a luminophor detector in combination with an electric signalling device responsive to the light emitted by the luminophor, methods and apparatus to irradiate a luminophor and luminscent devices, per se, are classified elsewhere. (See References to Other Classes, below.)
Fluorescent or phosphorescent apparatus used as a visible light standard and claimed as part of a visible light testing apparatus as of a comparator type and which is basic subject matter of Class 356 is classified in Class 356. The examination of the visible light, per se, emitted by fluorescent or phosphorescent materials would be classified in Class 356 when the fluorescent or phosphorescent materials or source producing the visible light is not included in the claims.
The testing with optical apparatus of a laser beam for the intensity or frequency of the visible light, per se, emitted by the laser is in Class 356 (see Subclass References to the Current Class, below). However, lasers and similar devices when they function as an amplifier of light in the visible range and laser modulator, per se, are classified elsewhere. For optical elements which control light intensity or direction on a molecular level, see classification elsewhere; for modulation involving polarized light and for light control by altering an optical medium or surface see elsewhere. Coherent light generators, per se, are classified elsewhere.
Where the intensity or the frequency of invisible radiation is determined by means of a thermal detector, classification is elsewhere. Where the intensity or the frequency of visible light radiation is determined by means of a thermal detector, classification is in Class 356. Where the total energy or power in a beam of radiation is measured by a thermal detector classification is elsewhere; and where thermally emitted radiation is measured to determine the temperature of the emitting source, classification is also elsewhere, except where the radiation is limited to light, where the classification is in Class 356. (See Subclass References to the Current Class and References to Other Classes, below.) I. BURNING
Although the burning of a combustible material is a chemical reaction, the combination of the burning of combustible material for visible light examination purposes with visible light analyzing structures of this class is in this Class 356. See References to Other Classes, below for "Combustion" and for all combustion reactions not provided for elsewhere. See also Subclass References to the Current Class, below. (See References to Other Classes, below.)
Claims to the counting of discrete particles such as blood particles, bacteria colonies, or dust particles, one at a time by numerical counting apparatus which registers the counts corresponding to the respective particles will be found elsewhere. However, the visual counting with a scale or spacer to aid the eye is classified in this Class (356). Claims to the sizing and counting of particles such as blood particles, bacteria colonies, or dust particles, one at a time by numerical counting apparatus will be found elsewhere. The counting of undulations by means of visible light or indeterminate length material such as a web of fabric or threads, per se, for testing the weave of the web for evenness, or the thread for unevenness, or for flaws, or for optical properties or physical dimensions where the measurement is affected only by the variations of the light caused by the web or thread will be in Class 356 rather than elsewhere. The counting of particles with visible light by statistical analysis procedures instead of a one by one numerical particle count as elsewhere will be in Class 356. The sizing and counting of particles with visible light by statistical analysis procedures instead of a one by one numerical particle count as elsewhere will be in Class 356. The counting or the sizing and counting of particles with visible light by statistical methods in Class 356 involves for example, polarized light, light scattering, color testing, and reflective diffusion of light. Where a microscope is utilized to count particles, one by one, such as blood particles or bacteria colonies, see elsewhere. Where an optical element such as a lens for magnification is used in combination with a support for counting bacteria colonies, or particles such as dust see classification elsewhere for one by one counting. Where no optical element is utilized and only a support is used see this Class (356). Where a microscope having a graticule rather than a cross hair or a reticle is used to count particles one by one see this class (356). See this class (356) for supports for bacteria counters where only a light and a support for the one by one count is involved. (See Subclass References to the Current Class and References to Other Classes, below.)
The combination of an optical test of this class with a qualitative or quantitative marker or recorder is in this class. Class 356 provides for the reading visually of the
information or data cards where not elsewhere provided.
Pattern or character recognition of a document or a record is classified elsewhere. Where the document analysis or verification is limited to the intrinsic properties of the record, classification is in Class 356. Systems controlled by a record and code record sensors, respectfully, are classified elsewhere. Apparatus to check hole type cards for errors in the punching or in the sorting of cards where the error check equipment is not part of a business machine is classified elsewhere. (See Subclass References to the Current Class and References to Other Classes, below.)
3+, 28, 139.01+, 141.1+, 152.1+, 218, and 442 for optical testing with a photoelectric light detector and usually claiming either an indicator or structure to support or contain the specimen or sample under test.
32+, for stress analysis where Class 356 provides for the optical type absent intentional loading of the specimen. 43+, where radiation is limited to light, classification is here; where thermally emitted radiation is measured to determine the temperature of the emitting source, classification is elsewhere.
51, where measuring or testing involves infrared or ultraviolet radiation with apparatus optical in nature and nothing peculiar to infra red and ultra violet radiation.
69, for cutting blade sharpness testing where Class 356 provides for the optical type.
71, where document analysis or verification is limited to the intrinsic properties of the record.
213, and 402+ for testing with optical apparatus of a laser beam for the intensity or frequency of the visible light, per se, emitted by the laser.
244, for supports for bacteria counters where only a light and a support for the one by one count is involved.
306, for methods and apparatus for the inspection of solid or liquids by charged particles.
315, see Search Class and the notes in reference to a flame producer whose flame heats or burns a sample to cause the emission of radiation to be analyzed. (See Lines With Other Classes, "Burning", above.)
335+, for the sizing and counting of particles with visible light by statistical analysis procedures instead of a one by one numerical particle count.
336, for invisible radiation responsive electric signalling methods and apparatus.
438+, and 441+ for the counting of particles with visible light by statistical analysis procedures. REFERENCES TO OTHER CLASSES
15, Brushing, Scrubbing, and General Cleaning,
3.1, for machines to clean eggs, or machines to clean and assort or screen eggs.
26, Textiles: Cloth Finishing,
70, for devices facilitating the inspection of cloth.
33, Geometrical Instruments,
1, for planimeter type calculators such as moment of inertia of areas, subclasses 18.1+, for scribers, subclass 121, for area integrators, subclass 125, for distance measuring, subclasses 501+, for gauges of the fixed or adjustable type, and subclass 227, for means and methods utilizing nonreflected light rays and direct sighting for determining the characteristics and mutual relationships of points, lines, angles, etc.
33, Geometrical Instruments, provides for mechanical scales and gauges which may be part of optical measuring systems. (See Lines With Other Classes, B, "Testing and Measuring Subcombinations Provided for Elsewhere.")
33, Geometrical Instruments, provides in
227, for optical measurements of the light ray type within the scope of this class. (See Lines With Other Classes, A, "Optical Measuring or Testing Classified Elsewhere.")
40, Card, Picture, or Sign Exhibiting, 446+, for changeable exhibitors, and subclasses 361+ for transparent film viewers.
53, Package Making,
52, for automatic or triggered control of a package making machine in response to a test which may be optical, and subclasses 507+ for visual inspection means combined with package making machines.
65, Glass Manufacturing,
377+, for processes of glass making with a step of visually, chemically or physically determining a chemical or physical
property, subclass 38 for the process of forming a lens with a fusion bonding step, and subclass 158 for inspection means which may be optical.
72, Metal Deforming,
37, for metal deforming with use of optical or transparent (e.g., viewing) means.
73, Measuring and Testing,
23.1, for the examination of the effluent of a mixture of gases which has contacted a solvent or sorbent which separates the mixture into fractional components and for gas chromatography involving color determination of the Class 356 type together with some manipulation of the gas beyond the scope of Class 356, subclass 28 for analysis of solid matter in gases, subclass 29 for analysis of moisture content or vapor pressure by physical means, subclass 30 for density tests by physical means, subclass 32 for specific gravity or density testing of liquids or solids, subclass 37 for fluid pressure tests, subclasses 53.01+ for the testing of liquids or a liquid suspension of solids including sediment or foreign content, subclass 73 for determining moisture content or absorption characteristics of material, subclass 78 for hardness testing, subclasses 760+ for stress or strain testing of material generally, particularly subclass 800 for optical stress analysis with intentional loading of the specimen, subclass 104 for surface and cutting edge testing generally, subclass 116 for motor and engine testing including engine parts, subclass 156 for statistical record verifying, subclass 157 for record strip sprocket hole testing, subclasses 861+ for volume or rate of flow meters, subclass 290 for liquid level or depth gauges, subclass 488 for speed or acceleration testing generally, subclasses 700+ for fluid pressures gauges, and subclass 421 for samplers and tollers. (See Lines With Other Classes, sections A and D, above.)
73, Measuring and Testing,
156, for apparatus to check hole type cards for errors in the punching or in the sorting of cards where the error check equipment is not part of a business machine. (See Lines With Other Classes, K, "Reading and Recording.") 74, Machine Element or Mechanism,
20, for mechanical movement apparatus, subclass 640 for gearing arrangements, subclass 469 for control lever and linkage systems, and subclass 567 for machine elements, per se.
91, Motors: Expansible Chamber Type,
1, for signals, indicators or inspection means including visual inspection devices whereby the motor operation or the
condition of some part may be ascertained.
92, Expansible Chamber Devices,
5, for signals, indicators, or inspection means whereby the expansible chamber operation or the condition of some part of the device may be ascertained.
95, Gas Separation: Processes,
1+, for processes of gas separation with control responsive to sensed condition which may involve an optical test and subclasses 82+ for processes of gas separation using chromatography.
96, Gas Separation: Apparatus,
101+, for chromatography type apparatus for gas separation, subclass 413 for gas separation apparatus having sampling means, and subclasses 417+ for gas separation apparatus having signals, indicators, measuring, or testing means.
100, Presses, 99, for alarm, signal, indicator, or test means which may be of an optical character.
101, Printing,
2, for printing devices combined with sorting devices which may utilize an optical test.
116, Signals and Indicators, for mechanical signals and indicators, particularly
200+, for mechanical indicators which may be part of optical measuring systems and subclass 137 for compressional wave generators. (See Lines With Other Classes, B, "Testing and Measuring Subcombinations Provided for Elsewhere.")
116, Signals and Indicators, for signal and indicating apparatus which may involve optics. (See Lines With Other Classes, A, "Optical Measuring or Testing Classified Elsewhere.")
118, Coating Apparatus,
663+, for automatic control of coating apparatus which may include an optical test, subclasses 712+ for testing, inspecting or measuring which may involve visual inspection or an optical test device, and subclasses 712+ for signals and indicators responsive to a condition.
119, Animal Husbandry,
6.8, for egg candling methods and apparatus combined with the treating of fertilized eggs, and subclass 311 for incubators
which include candling operations.
125, Stone Working, 30, for working precious stones.
131, Tobacco,
280+, for cigar and cigarette making machinery which include light testing devices to control the operation of the machinery.
134, Cleaning and Liquid Contact With Solids,
113, for such apparatus with an alarm, signal, indicating, inspecting, illuminating, or display means.
136, Batteries: Thermoelectric and Photoelectric,
243+, for photoelectric primary batteries.
137, Fluid Handling,
2, for processes of flow control by a condition or characteristic of a fluid which may be of an optical nature, and subclass 93 for self-proportioning or correlating systems responsive to an optical property, and subclass 551 for indicators, registers, recorders, alarms, or inspection means including visual inspection means.
141, Fluent Material Handling, With Receiver or Receiver Coacting Means,
83, for testing or weighing receiver content, and subclass 94 for signals, indicators, recorders, inspection means, and exhibitors permitting inspection of the material handling means.
156, Adhesive Bonding and Miscellaneous Chemical Manufacture, 64, for methods with measuring, testing or inspecting, subclass 378 for apparatus with testing, measuring alone or in combination with indicating means involving the properties, dimensions, or a condition of the work or apparatus, and subclass 379 for inspecting with or without illuminating means for observing normally nonvisible machine or work parts.
162, Paper Making and Fiber Liberation,
198, for processes involving measuring, inspecting alone or in combination with testing or visual inspection of the product, and subclass 263 for apparatus to detect some condition of the machine or the material including inspection of the material undergoing treatment for some chemical or physical characteristic.
165, Heat Exchange,
11.1+, for exchange apparatus having an alarm, indicator, signal, register, recorder, test or inspection means.
166, Wells,
250.01+, for processes including indicating, testing, measuring, locating, or recording a well condition, and subclass 64 for well apparatus including time, distance, temperature, or counting apparatus.
171, Unearthing Plants or Buried Objects,
15, for apparatus including separation by size, subclass 18 for apparatus for separating buried objects based upon physical differences, and subclass 20 including visual inspection of the buried object.
173, Tool Driving or Impacting,
20, for apparatus including means to indicate or signal a condition including position or movement of the driving or impacting tool. 174, Electricity: Conductors and Insulators,
11, for electrical apparatus including a fluid or vacuum with structure to signal or indicate some condition of the fluid or vacuum.
175, Boring or Penetrating the Earth,
40, for apparatus with signalling, indicating, testing or measuring including invisible radiation examination in subclass 41 and visual inspection means in subclass 49.
177, Weighing Scales, appropriate subclasses for balances, per se, and automatic weighing devices, particularly
45, for apparatus including alarms or signals in addition to the weight indicator, and subclass 50 for apparatus for performing an additional test including size gauging not provided for elsewhere.
193, Conveyors, Chutes, Skids, Guides, and Ways, appropriate subclasses for nonpowered type material transporting apparatus including
2, for chutes and subclass 35 for rollerways.
194, Check-Actuated Control Mechanisms,
207, including apparatus for the testing of paper currency for genuineness and other anomalous checks in automatic dispensing machines and including apparatus in subclasses 224
and 304+ for coin in circuit operated switches, subclasses 219+, 230+, and 239+ for coin operated switches, and subclasses 302+ for fraud preventive devices.
198, Conveyors: Power-Driven, 502, for a conveyor having signalling or indicating means or means for measuring the conveyed load, subclasses 504+ for a conveyor having load weighing means, and appropriate subclasses for different types of conveyors or systems of conveyors having operation control means using a photo-optics system.
200, Electricity: Circuit Makers and Breakers,
61.02, for light actuated switches.
204, Chemistry: Electrical and Wave Energy,
450+, and 600+ for processes and apparatus, respectively, dealing with electrophoresis and electro-osmosis; subclasses 400+ for electrolytic analysis and testing apparatus; and subclasses 242+ for electrolytic cells, in general.
209, Classifying, Separating, and Assorting Solids, particularly
510+, for the combination of a candling operation with a weighing operation of the sorting type; subclasses 556+ for diverse condition responsive testing means; subclasses 525 and 586 for light-type gauging apparatus; subclasses 580+ for apparatus for sorting on the basis of an optical property of a material including the color and polarization effects of the material; subclasses 512+, 592+, and 645 for automatic weighers; and subclasses 702+ and 939 for manual candling and assorting apparatus.
210, Liquid Purification or Separation,
635, and 656+ for processes involving chromatography, and subclass 85 for apparatus including alarms, indicators, registers, recorders, signals or inspection means including sight glasses.
211, Supports: Racks, appropriate subclasses for supports for plural articles particularly
10, for racks to facilitate the sorting of articles by hand, and subclass 14 for racks designed to support eggs.
221, Article Dispensing, 2, for apparatus including recorders, registers, indicators, signals or exhibitors for noting a condition or position of a dispenser part, and subclass 155 for apparatus with transparent inspecting or viewing means.
225, Severing by Tearing or Breaking,
41, for manual severing devices which have a housing for the work supply with an inspection window or transparent panel.
226, Advancing Material of Indeterminate Length,
100, for apparatus with an alarm, signal, or indicator to sense a condition in the movement of indefinite length material.
228, Metal Fusion Bonding,
56.5, for apparatus to note the physical state or location of the work, flux, filler, or product.
235, Registers,
419+, for record controlled electromechanical calculators, subclass 61 for mechanical digital and analogue calculators.
235, Registers,
375+, and 435+ for systems controlled by a record and code record sensors, respectfully. (See Lines With Other Classes, K, "Reading and Recording.") 239, Fluid Sprinkling, Spraying, and Diffusing,
71, for apparatus having means to indicate a condition, indicate the extent of motion or position of a part, or perform a quantity measurement or an inspection to determine flow conditions.
242, Winding, Tensioning, or Guiding,
357, 472.9+, 479.9+, 484.8, 484.9, 534+, 563+ for detector or stop for controlling various winding or unwinding operations, and subclass 912 for an alarm or indicator.
246, Railway Switches and Signals,
20, for block signal systems, subclass 111 for grade crossing track protection, subclass 120 for the detection of defects in the roadway, subclass 122 for train position indicating apparatus, subclass 125 for electric automatic highway signal apparatus, and subclass 169 for train defect indicating apparatus including infrared hot box detectors.
248, Supports, appropriate subclasses for single article supports in general.
249, Static Molds,
53, for apparatus including static gauges, levels, plumbs or scale markings on molding apparatus.
250, Radiant Energy,
200, for photoelectric circuits to control the illumination falling upon the photocell or to follow a pattern or to follow a point, and for apparatus, subclass 206 for photoelectric controlled circuits, particularly subclass 216 for optical or prephotocell systems which includes in subclass 221 for system controlled by articles, persons or animals, in subclass 225 polarizing optical system, in subclass 226 optical systems including visible light filters, prisms, and diffraction gratings and in subclass 229 the control of light by optical shutters and attenuators, and subclasses 250 to 422 for methods and apparatus dealing with the production of invisible radiant energy, its detection or utilization. (See Lines With Other Classes, B, "Testing and Measuring Subcombinations Provided for Elsewhere.") 250, Radiant Energy,
200, provides for photocells and associated circuitry together with optical structure which may involve measuring or testing. (See Lines With Other Classes, A, "Optical Measuring or Testing Classified Elsewhere.")
250, Radiant Energy,
301, for methods of determining oil presence, contamination or concentration, subclass 361 for methods and apparatus using luminophor test material or a luminophor detector in combination with an electric signalling device responsive to the light emitted by the luminophor, subclasses 458.1+ for methods and apparatus to irradiate a luminophor and subclasses 453.11+ for luminscent devices, per se. The examination of fluorescent and phosphorescent material or organisms to determine their fluorescent or phosphorescent properties or the examination of invisible energy including ultraviolet light by subjecting fluorescent or phosphorescent material to invisible radiation is in Class 250 even though the fluorescent or phosphorescent radiation is in the visible light range and the intensity and the frequency of the fluorescent or phosphorescent light is examined. (See Lines With Other Classes, F, "Fluorescence And Phosphorescence Testing.")
250, Radiant Energy, where the intensity or the frequency of invisible radiation is determined by means of a thermal detector. (See Lines With Other Clases, H, "Thermocouples And Bolometers.")
252, Compositions,
62.3, for barrier layer device compositions, subclass 501.1 for light sensitive emissive or conductive compositions, subclass 299 for liquid crystal containing optical filter compositions and subclasses 582+ for other optical filter compositions, and subclasses 301.16 through 301.6 for fluorescent or phosphorescent compositions.
264, Plastic and Nonmetallic Article Shaping or Treating: Processes,
1.1+, for methods for forming articles producing optical effects including light polarization, and subclass 40 for methods with measuring, testing, or inspecting some variable condition in the shaped article, the mold, the molded material or shaping surface.
269, Work Holders,
8, for magnetic work holders, subclass 11 for holders provided with illuminating means, and subclass 19 for holders provided with gage means such as vertical or horizontal position indicators for the work or the holder. 313, Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices,
94, for photo-sensitive discharge devices. (See Lines With Other Clases, B, "Testing and Measuring Subcombinations Provided for Elsewhere.")
318, Electricity: Motive Power Systems,
18, for follow-up systems of motor control, particularly subclass 28 for self-balancing network controls, subclass 480 for apparatus which includes the radiant energy control of a motor, and subclass 490 for motor systems with signals, meters, recorders and testing devices.
324, Electricity: Measuring and Testing, appropriate subclasses for the measurement or the testing of electric properties, particularly
300+, for measurements or tests relating to nuclear or electronic induction, subclasses 403+ for the testing of lamps, vacuum tubes, and discharge devices, subclass 200 for tests which rely on magnetic phenomenon, subclasses 600+ for the measurement of impedance, admittance, inductance, resistance, conductance, and susceptance, subclasses 76.11+ for measuring or testing electricity, per se, including subclass 96 for tests utilizing optical principles to determine electrical quantities, and subclass 121 for cathode-ray type indicators. (See Lines With Other Classes, A, "Optical Measuring or Testing Classified Elsewhere.")
324, Electricity: Measuring and Testing, for electrical indicating and measuring devices which may be part of optical measuring systems. (See Lines With Other Classes, B, "Testing and Measuring Subcombinations Provided for Elsewhere.")
329, Demodulators, appropriate subclasses for a demodulator of signals of less than infrared frequency which may contain an optical device (e.g., an optical isolator).
330, Amplifiers,
4.3, for lasers and similar devices when they function as an amplifier of light in the visible range and laser modulator, per se. (See Lines With Other Clases, G, "Lasers snd Resonance Radiation.")
338, Electrical Resistors, 15, for photoconductive resistors responsive to infrared, ultraviolet or visible light.
340, Communications: Electrical,
146.2, for digital comparator systems, subclasses 825.30+ for intelligence comparison of information, subclasses 870.01+ for telemetric signaling means useful in transmitting a measured quantity, not limited to any particular measuring instrument provided for in other classes, and also 870.01+ for quantitative telemetering systems including subclasses 870.28+ whereby the telemetering is transmitted by means of radiant energy, subclasses 870.16+ wherein the telemetering system is responsive to a condition, subclasses 500+ for condition responsive indicating systems, particularly subclasses 577+ for a flame indicator; subclasses 603+ for a fluent material indicator; subclass 670 for a velocity indicator; subclass 675 for a web, film, or strip indicator; subclass 678 for a geometrical gauge indicator, and subclass 265 for geometrical gage type responsive systems.. (See Lines With Other Classes, B, "Testing and Measuring Subcombinations Provided for Elsewhere," (1) Note.)
340, Communications: Electrical, for electrical indicating and measuring devices which may be part of optical measuring systems. (See Lines With Other Classes, B, "Testing and Measuring Subcombinations Provided for Elsewhere.")
340, Communications: Electrical, for signal and indicating apparatus which may involve optics. See, for example,
584+, 600, 630, and 632, for temperature, radiant energy, smoke, or gas indicators, respectively. (see Lines With Other Classes, A, "Optical Measuring or Testing Classified Elsewhere.")
342, Communications: Directive Radio Wave, Systems and (e.g., Radar, Radio Navigation),
1, 205 for radar systems involving electromagnetic radiation in the radio wave frequency.
346, Recorders, for the generic class of recording the movements of machines or making a record of any phenomenon, particularly
33, for recorders combined with external recorder operating means, subclasses 150.1+ for electric recording including
spark and electrochemical, subclasses 107.1+ for light or beam recording.
347, Incremental Printing of Symbolic Information, 112+, for electrostatic marking, particularly subclasses 129+ for photo scanning; subclasses 224+ for light or beam marking processes or apparatus.
348, Television,
135+, for television systems utilized to effect a measurement and subclasses 180+ for measuring and testing devices utilized in television systems which may include optical elements.
348, Television,
135+, and 180+ for television systems for measuring and testing which may include optical elements. (See Lines With Other Classes, A, "Optical Measuring or Testing Classified Elsewhere.")
351, Optics: Eye Examining, Vision Testing and Correcting,
204, for interpupillary distance measuring and lens positioning examination instruments, and subclasses 239+ for test charts and targets for the subjective testing of vision for astigmatism and chromaticity.
351, Optics: Eye Examining, Vision Testing and Correcting,
200+, for eye examining and testing instruments which may include optical measuring or testing. (See Lines With Other Classes, A, "Optical Measuring or Testing Classified Elsewhere.")
352, Optics: Motion Pictures, appropriate subclasses for methods and apparatus dealing with cameras for taking of pictures and projectors which show the motion pictures, especially
39, for methods of utilizing motion pictures for time and motion studies or for other uses other than the creation of the illusion of motion.
353, Optics: Image Projectors, appropriate subclasses for projection apparatus which may be used to facilitate optical measuring and testing. 359, Optics: Systems (Including Communication) and Elements,
350+, for optical elements usable in the infrared or ultraviolet range, subclasses 362+ for combpound lens systmes including telescopes, microscopes, or periscopes, subclasses 396+ for microscope slides, subclasses 436+ for scale or
indicia reading, subclasses 483+ for polarization type devices, subclasses 290+ for light control systems which after an optical medium surface, or interface, subclasses 566+ for diffractions gratings subclasses 557+ for light interference systems, subclass 615 for light dispersion systems, subclasses 645+ lenses, particularly subclass 801 for lenses combined with illumination and a viewed object support, subclasses 227+ for light control systems using an opaque element or medium movable in or through the light path, subclasses 831+ for prioms and their mounts, subclasses 838+ for reflectors, and subclasses 885+ for optical filters. (See Lines With Other Classes, B, "Testing and Measuring Subcombinations Provided for Elsewhere.")
359, Optics: Systems (Including Communication) and Elements, for optical elements which may be used in measuring and testing apparatus. The conventional optical elements such as lenses, prisms, and mirrors are there. (See Lines With Other Classes, B, "Testing and Measuring Subcombinations Provided for Elsewhere.")
359, Optics: Systems (Including Communication) and Elements, for optical elements which control light intensity or direction on a molecular level,
246+, 281+, and 301+ for modulation involving polarized light, and subclasses 290+ for light control by altering an optical medium or surface. (See Lines With Other Clases, G, "Lasers and Resonance Radiation.")
359, Optics: Systems (Including Communication) and Elements, for utilizing a microscope to count particles, one by one, such as blood particles or bacteria colonies, and for where an optical element such as a lens for magnification is used in combination with a support for counting bacteria colonies, or particles such as dust; see Class 359 for one by one counting. (See Lines With Other Classes, J, "Counting.")
361, Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices,
173+, and 211 for electric circuits for relays and electromagnets controlled by a photosensitive device.
362, Illumination, appropriate subclasses for general purpose lighting devices, particularly
3+, for photos:graphic lights, subclasses 138+ for inspection lamps, and subclass 293 for signal lanterns.
364, Electrical Computers and Data Processing Systems, 400+, for particular application of data processing systems or calculating computers, particularly subclass 525 for the application of a computer in the area of physics concerned with the nature and properties of light, subclasses 550+ for data processing systems or calculating computers utilized to effect a measuring, testing, or monitoring operation of an
external device or quantity, and wherein the external device or quanitity being measured is nominally claimed, subclasses 600+ for hybrid computers; subclasses 700+ for digital calculating computers; subclasses 800+ for analog computers, and FOR 514+ for foreign art collections of computer-based communication engineering which may include object detection or tracking.
365, Static Information Storage and Retrieval, appropriate subclass for static information storage and retrieval systems, per se. Static storage systems which include testing or measuring are excluded from this class.
372, Coherent Light Generators, for coherent light generators, per se. (See Lines With Other Classes, G, "Lasers snd Resonance Radiation.")
374, Thermal Measuring and Testing,
32, for thermal measurement of total energy or power radiated from a source; and subclasses 121+ for emitted radiation, in general.
374, Thermal Measuring and Testing,
32, where the total energy or power in a beam of radiation is measured by a thermal detector; and subclasses 121+ where thermally emitted radiation is measured to determine the temperature of themitting source, except where the radiation is limited to light, where the classification is in Class 356. (See Lines With Other Classes, H., "Thermocouples And Bolometers.")
376, Induced Nuclear Reactions: Processes, Systems, and Elements,
245+, for the testing, sensing, measuring, monitoring or detecting of a reactor condition including control of the reactor as a result of the testing or sensing.
377, Electrical Pulse Counters, Pulse Dividers, or Shift Registers: Circuits and Systems,
6, for article counters of the electrical type. 377, Electrical Pulse Counters, Pulse Dividers,
10, for counting of discrete particles such as blood particles, bacteria colonies, or dust particles, one at a time by numerical counting apparatus which registers the counts corresponding to the respective particles. (See Lines With Other Classes, J, "Counting.")
382, Image Analysis, appropriate subclasses for the application of image analysis or pattern recognition systems.
382, Image Analysis, for pattern or character recognition of a document or a record. (See Lines With Other Classes, K, "Reading and Recording.")
385, Optical Waveguides, appropriate subclasses for fiber optics, per se.
395, Information Processing System Organization,
1+, for artificial intelligence, subclasses 101+ for static presentation processing, subclasses 118+ for computer s:graphics processing, subclasses 200.01+ for digital data processing, and subclasses 326+ for a computer operator interface.
396, Photography,
563, for a sensitometer which may produce an optical wedge having varying light transmission characteristics by the controlled exposure of a photos:graphic medium to light.
399, Electrophotography,
9+, for diagnostics of electrophotos:graphic devices. 414, Material or Article Handling, appropriate subclasses for the generic class of article handling, particularly
431+, for engaging an article between its ends for rotation and advancement, and subclass 433 for article rotators, roller type.
422, Chemical Apparatus and Process Disinfecting, Deodorizing, Preserving, or Sterilizing,
50+, for analytical and analytical-control apparatus involving an optical test; subclass 44 for viable blood-treating apparatus; and subclass 99 for laboratory apparatus. An alternative electronic search of U.S. patents based upon a modification of the European Patent Office Classification (ECLA) System for certain subject matter in this subclass may also be found in Class 422 Cross-Reference Art Collections 908-948. (There are no definitions associated with these Cross-Reference Art Collections. The most available disclosure as to the types of documents contained herein is given in any notes associated with the titles.)
423, Chemistry of Inorganic Compounds, for all combustion reactions not provided for elsewhere. (See Lines With Other Classes, I, "Burning.")
424, Drug, Bio-Affecting and Body Treating Compositions,
9.1+, for compositions and methods of diagnosing a body condition by an in vivo test.
427, Coating Processes,
162, for processes of coating, per se, wherein the product is an optical element.
428, Stock Material or Miscellaneous Articles, appropriate subclasses, for a stock material product in the form of a single or plural layer web or sheet which may possess a critical light transmissive or reflective property; and especially
426, for nonstructural composite web or sheet embodying a layer of glass. 430, Radiation Imagery Chemistry: Process, Composition, or Product Thereof,
24, for radiation imagery chemistry process involving control feature responsive to a test or measurement.
431, Combustion,
13, for gas burners with signal, alarm or indicator for controlling the combustion ingredients or any other function relating to the burning of the gas, and subclass 355 for laboratory type burners including those used in sample excitations dealing with spectroscopy and flame photometers of Class 356.
431, Combustion,
4, for feeding a substance to the flame additional to the normal fuel and oxidizing material to act as a protective agent or to give the flame some special characteristic, subclass 126 for apparatus with ornamental forms, surface ornamentation or an additive or additive means producing flame coloration, and subclass 355 for apparatus comprising a vertical tube of constant cross section with a fuel gas feed means and an opening for air admission at its lower end, the fuel being fed upwardly and vertically into the tube, mixing air, and discharging from the upper end to burn thereabove. (See Lines With Other Classes, I, "Burning.")
433, Dentistry,
6, for the visual comparison of tooth forms with the shape or coloring of a person's face or teeth.
434, Education, Demonstration, and Cryptography,
298, and 303 for apparatus and processes relating to chemistry and physics which could include light testing devices, subclasses 98+ for color comparison charts which are used for display and instruction purposes, and subclasses 322+ for examination devices and methods which may include as a part thereof reflection and transmission tests similar to those found in Class 356.
435, Chemistry: Molecular Biology and Microbiology, 4+, for the quantitative or qualitative testing of fermentation processes.
436, Chemistry: Analytical and Immunological Testing,
1+, for analytical and analytical control methods which could involve an optical test.
445, Electric Lamp or Space Discharge Component or Device Manufacturing,
4, and 64 for methods and apparatus for adjusting electrodes by means of optical operations.
451, Abrading,
42+, for a lens grinding process which may include optical tests as part of the grinding process and subclass 325 for a stationary tool type of lens grinder.
150+, for high temperature (Tc > 30 K) superconducting devices, and particularly subclasses 160+ for measuring or testing system or device.
600, Surgery,
310+, for surgical diagnostic instruments which may involve optical measuring or testing on or in the body, including in vivo light examination of a body process, including metabolism, spirometers, and endoscopes.. (See Lines With Other Classes, A, "Optical Measuring or Testing Classified Elsewhere.")
604, Surgery, 20+, for subject matter relating to administration or removal of material from the body by means responsive to optical diagnostic means.
606, Surgery,
2+, for subject matter relating to surgical instruments, or their use, for applying light to the body.
607, Surgery: Light, Thermal, and Electrical Application,
1+, for therapeutic instruments which utilize light.
The bending of a light ray in passing the edge formed by contiguous opaque and transparent edges.
Pertaining to the scattering or random deviation of transmitted or reflected light.
ELECTROPHORESIS The effect in which charged particles suspended in a liquid are moved under the influence of an electrostatic field.
A reference direction formed as by a light ray, level, compass, or scale from which another direction is measured or compared.
Visible light is radiation, which stimulates the optical receptors of the eye, and has a wavelength from 3850 to 7600 Angstrom units. The term light in these definitions refers to radiation in the above mentioned range, and when qualified by the terms ultraviolet and infrared refers to the corresponding radiation ranges adjacent the visible range.
Measuring usually involves a more precise and quantitative determination of the characteristic or property in question. Testing may be a mere indication of the presence or absence of the characteristic or property, and may involve only a mere inspection or viewing of the phenomenon or specimen. It should be recognized that the two terms overlap to some extent in meaning.
Measurement of lengths, areas, or volumes.
An instrument for producing a narrow band of the spectrum by dispersing a radiation beam into its components or colors, and isolating the narrow band desired as by passing the components or colors through a narrow slit.
OPTICAL ELEMENT A structure which performs a basic optical function. See Class 359 for a more specific definition.
A combination of two or more similar or diverse optical
elements which are optically related, or an optical element combined with nonoptical structure where the overall function performed is optical in nature. The optical systems in this class are for measuring or testing purposes.
The science of light and vision and the construction of optical instruments.
The return of light striking a surface back into the medium from which it came.
The deviation of light which results when a ray of light passes obliquely from a medium of one density to a medium of another density.
The band of colors produced by separating white light into its component frequencies. The term also denotes radiation arrayed over a frequency range where the frequency of the radiation continuously increases or decreases over the range.