Including combined diverse-type semiconductor device:
(under subclass 250) Subject matter including plural semiconductor devices and at least one semiconductor device which is different in its physical characteristics or in materials, and which also amplifies the signal.
(1) Note. Materials which may be a diode of the nonamplifying type, or which may be an additional signal carrier semiconductor amplifying device including an amplifier not previously provided for in this schedule.
94, and 110, for vacuum tube feedback amplifiers having nonlinear impedance elements.
138, and 140, for amplifiers having a rectifier, which may be a semiconductor diode, in a bias control circuit for the input or gain control electrode.
143, for vacuum tube amplifiers having a thermally responsive impedance.
144+, for vacuum tube amplifiers having a separately controlled variable impedance in the signal path, which may
be a semiconductor. 164, for vacuum tube amplifiers with a diode in the interstage coupling which may be a semiconductor.
174, for a piezoelectric crystal or electromechanical transducer broadly in the interstage coupling of a vacuum tube amplifier.
183, for vacuum tube amplifiers having D.C. interstage coupling with a nonlinear device therein.