.~ Converting, per se, of an AC input to corresponding DC at an unloaded output
Classification: 327/104
Converting, per se, of an AC input to corresponding DC at an unloaded output:
(under subclass 100) Subject matter wherein an alternating current input signal wave is converted to an unloaded output wave consisting of a unidirectional representation of the half cycles of an input wave.
(1) Note. The conversion systems in this subclass do not include claimed subject matter such as would define demodulators, detectors, or rectifier systems classified elsewhere with specific art devices.
28+, for polarity selection or discrimination.
39+, for selection or discrimination by repetition rate (i.e., frequency).
335+, for a differentiating network.
336+, for an integrating network.
348, for the determination of the RMS function of an input signal. SEE OR SEARCH CLASS
178, Telegraphy, appropriate subclasses for pulse producing (e.g., by rectification of AC signals, etc.) in combination with telegraph systems. In Class 178, the pulses are usually representative of a telegraph code.
118+, relate to telegraph receivers which may include signal rectifiers.
246, Railway Switches and Signals, appropriate subclasses for railway signaling systems which may include signal rectifying or other conversion systems as subcombinations thereof.
307, Electrical Transmission or Interconnection Systems,
6, for systems having series connected converters of different voltages, subclass 45 for plural supply circuits with intervening converter, subclass 58 for load current dividing circuits utilizing plural converters, subclass 82 for plural converter systems, subclasses 401+ for nonlinear reactor systems, and subclass 107 for wave form or wave shape determining systems with wave rectification.
320, Electricity: Battery or Capacitor Charging or Discharging, appropriate subclass for charging or discharging a capacitor or battery where a rectifier is employed, particularly Digest 31.
324, Electricity: Measuring and Testing,
89, for phase comparison meters and subclass 119 for meters in general with rectifying.
329, Demodulators, for demodulating systems using rectification designed to change a signal modulated wave so as to produce in the output circuit a pulsating direct current representative of the signal.
330, Amplifiers, appropriate subclasses for amplifiers, especially 10, for modulator-demodulator type amplifiers.
343, Communications: Radio Wave Antennas, appropriate subclasses for signaling systems including radar and directive radio systems which may include demodulating type conversion systems as subcombinations thereof.
363, Electric Power Conversion Systems,
13+, for rectification and derectification involving a single source coupled to a single load in a power conversion system. See the class definition and search notes as to lines with other classes and further fields of search for rectifying systems.
375, Pulse or Digital Communications, appropriate subclasses and particularly
37+, for pulse communication systems using alternating or pulsating currents.
379, Telephonic Communications, appropriate subclasses for pulse producing systems with signal rectifying or other converting for use in telephone call transmitter systems.