This is the residual class for electrical devices, circuits or systems having an output not directly proportional to its input and comprising at least one component which can provide gain or can route electrical current and which device, circuit or system does not form a complete system such as is classified specifically elsewhere or a subcombination of utility only in such elsewhere classified system.
(1) Note. The scope of patents classified herein can be determined only by determining the scope of other related classes which are listed below under SEARCH CLASS. Also, consult search notes and definitions of these classes.
(2) Note. Typical active components are solid-state components, vacuum tubes, and gas filled tubes. However, also included would be components broadly claimed to have active properties, but which are not specifically limited to a particular embodiment such as a vacuum tube.
A. Specific Signal Discriminating (e.g., Comparing Or Selecting) Without Subsequent Control
Included here are circuits for the comparison, selection, or distinguishing of specific characteristics of either an input signal or signals without continuous regulation of such characteristic.
B. Signal Converting, Shaping, Or Generating
Included here are circuits wherein: (a) an inherent input signal parameter such as phase, frequency, amplitude or current is modified, maintained at some value, or changed to an entirely different parameter; (b) an input signal having a particular waveform modified into an output signal having a partially or a completely different waveform; or (c) an output signal of specified waveform is produced.
C. Specific Input To Output Function Included here are circuits wherein an output signal is
proportional to a mathematical expression involving an input signal or signals.
(1) Note. Characteristically, the input signals are continuous and slowly varying.
(2) Note. Circuitry performing Boolean Algebra functions, per se, are excluded from this class. See References to Other Classes, below.
(3) Note. The input signals of this subclass do not contain information (data). For data processing see References to Other Classes, below.
D. Gating (i.e., Switching Input To Output)
Included here are electron tube or solid-state gating circuits which distribute unmodified input signals to selected outputs.
E. External Effect
Included here are circuits, not elsewhere classified responsive to or compensating for an ambient nonelectrical condition such as heat or magnetism.
F. With Particular Control
Included here are circuits where current or power to a broadly recited device is controlled in response to a control signal. The control signal may be derived from an external source or from a feedback structure responsive to the condition of the load.
(1) Note. Where a specific load device is recited, classification will be in the particular class providing for the specific load device. G. Specific Identifiable Device, Circuit, Or System
Included here are circuits having a particular structure, arrangement, or construction not classifiable elsewhere.
H. Miscellaneous
Included here are systems or circuits not provided for elsewhere.
The filters proper for this class include at least one active device utilized in producing the transfer function defining the frequencies that will be passed.
A filter in combination with a specific load will be
classified in the class providing for the load. See References to Other Classes, below for filtering of data within an electrical digital calculating computer or analog computer.
The filters within the Specific Identifiable Device, Circuit, Or System area (see above) are active filters that suppress an unwanted input signal. See Noise Filters below for additional noise filter areas within Class 327.
Limiting, clipping, or clamping circuits which achieve transient or signal noise reduction by filtering or otherwise are classified in this class. Compensation for a noise signal which is a by-product of switching thereof is found in this class.
Miscellaneous unwanted signal suppression is classified in this class.
See Subclass References to the Current Class below for these art areas.
A nonlinear phase lock loop circuit, per se, is classified in Class 327. A phase lock loop circuit in combination with a special art device, is classified with the special art device. For example, a phase lock loop claimed in combination with an oscillator is classified in Class 331, subclasses 172+, a phase lock loop in combination with a telecommunication system is classified in Class 455, and a phase lock loop in combination with a pulse or digital communication system is classified in Class 375, subclasses 111+.
See Subclass References to the Current Class below for a phase lock loop to synchronize one signal with another for the creation of a replica signal.
Digital logic, per se, is classified in Class 326 and this includes, for example, multiple connections of AND, OR, or NOT gates. However, combinations of multiple AND or OR gates, etc., which perform a particular function proper to some other class are classified in that other class. For example, an AND gate claimed to be used as a comparator, for example, will be classified in Class 327, whereas a claimed AND gate, per se, would be classified in Class 326.
Patents reciting a free running astable multivibrator, per se, are classified elsewhere. For example, see References to
Other Classes for a relaxation oscillator multivibrator.
Multivibrators having one or more stable states are classified in Class 327. See Subclass References to the current Class. Generally, detailed flip-flops, per se, are in this class, subclasses 185+; however, multifunctional or programmable logic having a flip-flop is in Class 326, subclasses 37+ and redundant logic having a flip-flop is in Class 326, subclass 12.
An integrated circuit chip, per se, is classified in Class 257.
Lead frames, per se, are classified in Class 257 since these are only used to connect an integrated circuit chip externally.
An integrated circuit chip in combination with a single lead, a battery or bias without any additional circuit configuration, is classified in Class 257.
An integrated circuit chip in combination with an external circuit proper for Class 327 will be classified in Class 327 since Class 327 is higher than Class 257 in the overall class hierarchy.
Circuit interconnections (e.g., point to point, lead interconnections, diode and transistor interconnections, etc.) within the confines of the integrated circuit chip itself are classified in Class 257, whereas circuit interconnections outside the environment of an integrated circuit chip are not.
If an integrated circuit is recited with other than a nominal recitation of a utility, the patent will be classified in the utility class.
CCD's recited as part of the circuitry within an integrated circuit chip are classified in Class 257.
CCD's recited with other than a nominal recitation of utility are classified in the utility class. See References to Other Classes, below.
POWER SUPPLIES Power supplies in combination with another art device, classifiable elsewhere, will be found with the other art device. Tubes or solid-state device power supplies for a nonlinear device, circuit, or system, not elsewhere classified, will remain in this class (327).
A power supply in combination with a load, (i.e., a single power supply and a single load) without any claim to a substrate circuit is classified elsewhere. See References to Other Classes, below.
The power supply patents of this class, subclasses 530+ require a nonlinear device, circuit, or system as a load or control for the power supply. A claim to a power supply circuit in combination with a substrate containing a nonlinear device, circuit, or system is classified in Class 327.
This class does not provide for the subject matter included herein in combination with a specific type of electromagnetic wave energy since the broad recitation of the specific source would be classifiable with the art containing that particular source of energy. However, this class will take the systems and networks of the class in combination with a source of wave energy wherein the energy is expressed only as being composed of a band of frequencies or a source of pulses, etc., or wherein the source is recited by name only as a wave energy generator (such as an oscillator, pulse generator, etc.). Where the specific details of the source are recited such systems are classified with the art which provides for systems utilizing such specific source.
Claims to a specific mechanical structure in combination with generic circuitry are classified with the mechanical structure. However, claims to broad mechanical structure in combination with specific circuitry is classified in this class unless provided for in a mechanical or electrical class and provided the circuitry is nonlinear.
A generic nonlinear circuit claimed with a memory inside the circuit is classified in this class (327), whereas a claim to generic circuitry in combination with a memory external to the circuit would be classified with the memory class.
The following areas reciting monitoring, testing or calibrating take precedence over Class 327: Class 73, subclasses 1.01+ for instrument proving or calibrating; and subclass 865.9 for testing of apparatus.
Class 324, subclass 601 for calibration, and subclasses 74+ for testing and calibrating of electric meters.
Class 342, subclasses 165+ for testing or calibrating a radar system.
Class 348, subclasses 180+ for television monitoring or testing.
Class 358, subclass 406 for facsimile measuring or testing.
Class 364, subclasses 571.01+ for testing and measuring which includes a computation.
Class 374, subclasses 1+ for thermal measuring and testing.
Class 455, subclass 115 for measuring, testing or monitoring of a transmitter and subclass 226 for measuring, testing, or monitoring of a receiver. Only monitoring, testing, or calibrating, not elsewhere classified, and related to nonlinear devices, circuits and systems are classified in Class 327. The following are examples of those found in Class 327: subclasses 20, 262, 292, 378, 509, and 538.
Class 600, subclass 486 for testing means inserted in the human body.
Only those nonlinear circuits or systems whose function is not specifically provided for elsewhere would be classified in this class (327) subclasses 334+. SWITCHING
See References to Other Classes, below for examples of other areas for switching;
Only those nonlinear circuits utilizing electron or other charged particle beams that are not classifiable in other areas would be classified in Class 327.
Examples of electron or other charged particle beam tube circuits classified elsewhere are the cyclotron and CRT circuits of Class 313.
Nonlinear circuits used in combination with a modulated signal are classified in the classes containing the communication of information via a modulated signal.
Electrical control with a broad machine is classified with the machine, if a class exists for the machine. Only those electrical control patents, not provided for in the machine classes, would be classified in Class 327, provided the
circuit is nonlinear.
Patents reciting neuron simulator circuitry, per se, and neural networks are classified elsewhere. See References to Other Classes below. FUSIBLE LINK AND INTENTIONAL DESTRUCT CIRCUIT
Miscellaneous circuits of this type are classified in this class (327) subclass 525.
Free running oscillators (including the asynchronous type) are classified elsewhere. See References to Other Classes below.
Circuits used to protect personnel from harm, or protect devices from failure (e.g., overload, power surge) are excluded from this class. See References to Other Classes below.
This class does not provide for the subject matter in combination with a specific load device even though the load device is recited by name only (as a motor, loud-speaker, etc.). Such systems are classified in general with the particular art device constituting the load.
This class does not include electronic circuits, per se, wherein a variable electric current or voltage input signal is applied to an electrical amplifying device to control a source of electrical energy applied to the same device, and from which is derived an output signal of substantially the same waveform as the input signal and substantially linearly related thereto.
This class excludes linear resistors, reactive apparatus and insulators, per se. Although the claimed solid-state device may be active or passive and have some insulative or reactive properties, it cannot be classified in this class if the device is generally thought of as being only an insulator or reactive apparatus such as a capacitor, inductor, transformer, motor, etc. COUNTERS
See References to Other Classes for electrical pulse
counters, pulse dividers, or shift registers.
See References to Other Classes for filters utilizing lumped or distributed parameter passive elements.
Special art devices are to be classified with the specified device.
Circuitry utilizing gas tubes not elsewhere provided for are included here. See, Subclass References To The Current Class, below, for an example.
147+, 156+ provide for a phase lock loop to synchronize one signal with another for the creation of a replica signal.
185+, for multivibrators having one or more stable states. 310+, for limiting, clipping, or clamping circuits which achieve transient or signal noise reduction by filtering or otherwise. (see "Noise Filters" above)
379+, for compensation for a noise signal which is a by-product of switching thereof. (see "Noise Filters" above)
551+, for miscellaneous unwanted signal suppression. (see "Noise Filters" above).
601+, for circuitry utilizing gas tubes (see "Gas Tube" above)
73, Measuring and Testing, appropriate subclasses for systems and apparatus for making a measurement or test not provided for in other classes, particularly
1.01+, for instrument proving or calibrating, and subclass 865.9 for testing of apparatus.
84, Music,
600+, for electrical musical tone generation using transistors or space discharge devices.
136, Batteries: Thermoelectric and Photoelectric appropriate subclasses. 148, Metal Treatment,
33+, for barrier layer stock material.
174, Electricity: Conductors and Insulators, appropriate subclasses for the physical structure of conductors.
178, Telegraphy, appropriate subclasses for telegraph apparatus and systems, particularly
43, for space induction systems, and subclasses 66.1+ for alternating or pulsating current telegraph systems.
191, Electricity: Transmission to Vehicles, appropriate subclasses.
200, Electricity: Circuit Makers and Breakers, appropriate subclasses for electric switches and circuit breakers and for electrical and mechanical switches.
204, Chemistry: Electrical and Wave Energy, appropriate subclasses for apparatus for producing chemical changes through the agency of electrical wave energy.
219, Electric Heating,
600, 780 for induction, electro-static or electro-magnetic heating systems and subclass 114 for welding circuits with space discharge tube control.
246, Railway Switches and Signals, appropriate subclass for electric circuits utilized in railway switches and signals.
250, Radiant Energy, appropriate subclasses for the detection of nuclear or electromagnetic radiant energy, the testing of material by nuclear or electromagnetic radiant energy, the irradiation of material by nuclear or electromagnetic radiant energy, electron energy analysis, the deflection or focussing of an ion or electron beam, and the generation of control of nuclear or electromagnetic radiant energy. 252, Compositions,
62.3+, for barrier layer compositions and subclasses 500+ for other semiconductor compositions.
257, Active Solid-State Devices (e.g., Transistors, Solid-State Diodes), appropriate subclasses for particular nonlinear solid-state devices, per se, also for an integrated circuit chip, per se, and for lead frames, per se, since these are only used to connect an integrated circuit chip externally. An integrated circuit chip in combination with a single lead, a battery or bias without any additional circuit configuration is classified in Class 257.
290, Prime-Mover Dynamo Plants, appropriate subclass for electric circuits utilized in prime mover dynamo plants.
307, Electrical Transmission or Interconnection Systems, appropriate subclasses for circuits providing electrical transmission or interconnection such as those having plural energy sources or plural loads and class appropriate switching systems, wave form determinative networks, and circuits responsive to external effects such as temperature or magnetism.
307, Electrical Transmission or Interconnection Systems,
326+, for circuits used to protect personnel from harm, or protect devices from failure (e.g., overload, power surge). (see "Personnel Or Device Protective Circuits" above)
310, Electrical Generator or Motor Structure, appropriate subclasses for the physical structure of electric generators and motors and electromagnetic clutches and for the circuits that relate to electromagnetic clutches, and particularly
314+, for piezoelectric devices in combination with tube structure where the significant structure claimed is that of the crystal, and the tube structure or circuitry is only incidentally claimed.
313, Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices, appropriate subclasses for the physical structure of electronic lamp and discharge devices, per se.
314, Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices: Consumable Electrodes, appropriate subclasses for electric lamp and discharge devices of the arc discharge type which may be combined with an electron space discharge tube. 315, Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices: Systems, appropriate subclasses for circuits in combination with charged particle beam tubes, cathode-ray tubes or electric lamp and space discharge devices, particularly
8.51+, for pulse storage systems utilizing cathode-ray tubes, and subclasses 84.51+ for pulse storing systems comprised exclusively of gaseous discharge tubes.
318, Electricity: Motive Power Systems,
677+, for electric motor position servomechanisms utilizing electron space discharge apparatus; subclasses 126+ for energizing of winding circuit control responsive to condition, pulsed energy etc.; subclass 132 which relates to space discharge or unidirectionally conductive devices in a winding control circuit; subclass 138 for a space discharge device commutated motor; and subclasses 505+, 732, 752, 756, and 786 for motor control systems utilizing space discharge devices.
320, Electricity: Battery or Capacitor Charging or Discharging, appropriate subclass for a battery or capacitor
charging or discharging application that employs a space-discharge device.
322, Electricity: Single Generator Systems,
72+, for electron space discharge tube systems for controlling a single generator.
323, Electricity: Power Supply or Regulation Systems, appropriate subclasses for circuits utilized in power voltage magnitude and phase control systems.
323, Electricity: Power Supply Or Regulation Systems, for a power supply in combination with a load, (i.e., a single power supply and a single load) without any claim to a substrate circuit (See "Power Supplies" above)
324, Electricity: Measuring and Testing, appropriate subclasses for circuits utilized in electrical measuring, testing, and sensing systems.
326, Electronic Digital Logic Circuitry, appropriate subclasses for combinational or sequential logic, per se. 326, Electronic Digital Logic Circuitry, for circuitry for performing Boolean Algebra functions, per se. (see Class Definition, "Specific Input To Output Function" above)
326, Electronic Digital Logic Circuitry, for a logical function (see "Charge Coupled Devices" above)
327, Miscellaneous Active Electrical Nonlinear Devices, Circuits, and Systems, for delay (see "Charge Coupled Devices" above)
329, Demodulators, appropriate subclasses for circuits extracting information from a carrier.
330, Amplifiers, appropriate subclasses for electron space discharge tube apparatus combined with circuitry to form an amplifier system and
250+, for semiconductor amplifiers.
331, Oscillators, appropriate subclasses for electron space discharge tube or solid-state apparatus combined with tuned circuit apparatus forming an oscillatory system of the self-sustaining type, an asynchronous oscillator, per se, or in combination with other circuitry or an oscillator combined with a phase lock loop without any intelligence claimed;
8+, for transistorized automatic frequency control for oscillators; and subclasses 108+ for solid-state oscillators.
331, Oscillators,
144, for a relaxation oscillator multivibrators.
331, Oscillators, for free running oscillators (including the asynchronous type). (see "Oscillators," above) 332, Modulators, appropriate subclasses for circuitry which superimposes information on a carrier.
333, Wave Transmission Lines and Networks,
19, for passive element wave differentiating or integrating systems, subclasses 24+ for passive filters, and subclass 20 for wave shaping networks of the passive element type; subclasses 167+, 186+, and 202+ for filters utilizing lumped or distributed parameter passive elements.
334, Tuners, appropriate subclasses for tuning circuitry.
335, Electricity: Magnetically Operated Switches, Magnets, and Electromagnets, appropriate subclasses for magnetically operated switches and circuit breakers.
336, Inductor Devices, appropriate subclasses for passive inductive devices.
337, Electricity: Electrothermally or Thermally Actuated Switches, appropriate subclasses for thermal switches, per se.
340, Communications: Electrical,
146.2, for digital comparator systems, subclass 825.97 for electron beam type selective or remote control systems, subclass 825.57 for pulse responsive selective systems, subclass 825.67 for pulse responsive counting chains which may employ an electron space discharge device, and subclasses 870.01+ for telemetering systems. (also see "Charge Coupled Devices" above)
348, Television (see "Charge Coupled Devices" above)
341, Coded Data Generation or Conversion,
50+, for code converters and subclasses 20+, 186, and 191 for a pulse transmitter or generator having a space discharge device. 342, Communications: Directive Radio Wave Systems and Devices (e.g., radar, Radio Navigation), appropriate subclasses for systems for object detection and utilizing pulse radio wave forms and
165, for testing or calibrating a radar system.
343, Communications: Radio Wave Antennas, appropriate subclasses for antennas, per se.
348, Television,
180+, for television monitoring or testing.
352, Optics: Motion Pictures,
1+, for sound accompanied motion pictures including active electronic devices.
356, Optics: Measuring and Testing,
3+, for systems using light for distance finding and subclasses 26+ for light systems for the determination of velocity.
358, Facsimile,
406, for facsimile measuring or testing. 359, Optics: Systems (Including Communication) and Elements, appropriate subclasses for optical components.
360, Dynamic Magnetic Information Storage or Retrieval, appropriate subclasses.
361, Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices,
1+, for safety and protection of systems and devices, subclasses 100+ for current fault sensor with semiconductor circuit interrupter, subclasses 139+ for control circuits for electromagnetic devices, and subclasses 196+ for control circuits for electromagnetic devices with time delay including a semiconductor device.
361, Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices,
1+, for circuits used to protect personnel from harm, or protect devices from failure (e.g., overload, power surge). (see "Personnel Or Device Protective Circuits" above)
363, Electric Power Conversion Systems, appropriate subclasses for circuits utilized in electric conversion systems where a single electrical source is connected to a single electrical load and particularly
94, 99, 111+, 151, and 166 for systems whereby a current or voltage of one characteristic is converted to a current or voltage of another characteristic and utilizing electron space discharge devices.
365, Static Information Storage and Retrieval,
73+, for recirculation of information in a storage read/write system, subclass 78 for plural shift register memory devices, subclasses 80+ for magnetic shift register, per se, subclasses 129+ for storage systems using a particular storage element, subclasses 189.01+ for read/write circuits
peculiar to a storage and retrieval system, and subclasses 230.01+ for addressing circuits peculiar to a storage and retrieval system. (also see "Charge Coupled Devices" above)
367, Communications, Electrical: Acoustic Wave Systems and Devices, appropriate subclasses. 369, Dynamic Information Storage or Retrieval, appropriate subclasses.
370, Multiplex Communications, appropriate subclasses for multiplexing systems.
373, Industrial Electric Heating Furnaces,
70, 102+, 135+, and 147 for electric furnaces having significant electrical circuits.
374, Thermal Measuring and Testing,
1+, for thermal calibration.
375, Pulse or Digital Communications,
106+, for digital communication synchronization.
377, Electrical Pulse Counters, Pulse Dividers, or Shift Registers: Circuits and Systems, appropriate subclasses for electrical pulse counters, dividers, and shift registers and particularly
57+, for charge coupled devices used as a counter, pulse divider, or shift register. (also see "Charge Coupled Devices" above)
378, X-Ray or Gamma Ray Systems or Devices,
91+, for circuits combined withX-ray devices. 379, Telephonic Communications, appropriate subclasses, for telephone systems.
380, Cryptography, appropriate subclasses for cryptos:graphic circuitry.
381, Electrical Audio Signal Processing Systems and Devices,
94.1+, for noise suppressing audio circuitry and subclass 111 for circuitry combined with a specific type of microphone or loudspeaker.
382, Image Analysis, appropriate subclasses.
388, Electricity: Motor Control Systems, art collection 913 for motor control systems including space discharge devices.
396, Photography, appropriate subclasses for apparatus
producing pictures on light sensitive material which may utilize electronic devices. (also see "Charge Coupled Devices" above)
427, Coating Processes,
58+, for coating processes wherein an electrical product is produced.
428, Stock Material or Miscellaneous Articles,
620, for semiconductor stock material. 438, Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process, for methods of making semiconductor electrical devices; see the search notes thereunder.
445, Electric Lamp or Space Discharge Component or Device Manufacturing, appropriate subclasses for circuits utilized in the manufacture or repair of electric lamp or electric space discharge devices.
455, Telecommunications, appropriate subclasses for telecommunication systems and subsystems.
600, Surgery,
300+, for diagnostic apparatus utilizing transistors or tubes.
702, Data Processing: Measuring, Calibrating, or Testing, appropriate subclasses for testing and measuring which includes significant data processing.
706, Data Processing: Intelligent Processing Systems and Methods,
15+, for neural circuits and networks. (see "Neuron Circuits Or Networks" above)
708, Electrical Computers: Arithmetic Processing and Calculating,
300+, for digital filters unique to digital computing, subclass 540 for the performance of arithmetic operations by a CRT, subclass 819 for analog filters which are unique to analog computing, and subclass 849 for analog function generation which utilizes a CRT. (See "Active Filters", above.)
714, Error Detection/Correction and Fault Detection/Recovery, appropriate subclasses.