Class Notes

Current as of: June, 1999
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Classification: 310/

This is the residual class for all subject matter, not elsewhere classified, relating to electrical generator or motor structure.

(1) Note. This Class was produced in 1953 by making official the unofficial digests which have been established by the Examiners of Division 26 during the period from about 1900 onwards. A caveat is given: while it is believed that the titles and definitions are reasonably accurate, no assurance can be given that all the patents, issued prior to the date of reclassification, are in the proper subclass since only some of these individual patents were read during the reclassification project. Consequently, in making a thorough search in this class, it is advisable to investigate every subclass which may possibly be pertinent and not, in order to shorten the search, to rely upon the principle of superiority of subject matter because of position in the schedule, since that principle is applicable only in classes where each patent has been analyzed and placed in the schedule in accordance with that portion of the disclosed subject matter which is claimed.

(2) Note. Since Class 310 takes, under the class definition, only subject matter relating to electrical generator or motor structure not elsewhere classified, its scope can be determined only by determining the scope of other related classes, which classes are listed below under search class. Also consult the search notes in the

definitions of these classes.

(3) Note. Many mechanical classes contain electrical disclosures, as where an electrical machine is disclosed in a mechanical environment, with which it cooperates. Consequently, in appropriate instances, the search must extend to the class or classes which relate to the environment in which the electrical disclosure may be found.



4, Baths, Closets, Sinks, and Spittoons,

213, for the subject matter of that class having electrical ventilating means. 57, Textiles: Spinning, Twisting, and Twining,

100, for the apparatus of that class having electric motor driving means.

73, Measuring and Testing, appropriate subclasses for mechanical measuring and testing devices having electric motors or generators as part thereof.

84, Music,

600, 722 for electrical musical instruments having means to generate electric currents of particular wave form for use in musical instruments, such as electric organs. Note particularly indented subclasses 1.04+ for electric generators having means which are tuned to resonance.

105, Railway Rolling Stock,

49+, for electric locomotives.

123, Internal-Combustion Engines,

149, for dynamos in combination with electric ignition systems for internal combustion engines.

124, Mechanical Guns and Projectors,

3, for electromagnetic projectile propelling means.

160, Flexible or Portable Closure, Partition, or Panel, appropriate subclasses, particularly 310, for this subject matter of that class having electric means to operate it.

173, Tool Driving or Impacting, appropriate subclass for an electric motor for driving a tool combined with features peculiar to tool driving. Generally, Class 310 includes

motors having a named type of tool as a load. However Class 173 provides for a motor having specific impact delivering relationship to a tool, a passage to deliver cleansing or cooling fluid to a tool work surface, specific structure of a handle to manipulate a tool relative to work or plural motors, one of which is described as driving a tool and another as advancing a tool.

198, Conveyors: Power-Driven,

381, 439 and 619 for electromagnetic conveyors in which the device or material being moved is moved by the action of a magnetic field.

258, Railway Mail Delivery,

4, for magnetic apparatus utilized in railway mail delivery.

307, Electrical Transmission or Interconnections Systems, appropriate subclasses for miscellaneous electric systems having electric generators. Note particularly

82, 84, 151, and 153.

315, Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices: Systems,

55, for electric space discharge devices having combined therewith an integral electric generator or piezoelectric device, subclass 78 for vehicle space discharge device or lamp systems having a vehicle motor or vehicle motion driven generator.

318, Electricity: Motive Power Systems, appropriate subclasses for electric generator or motor structure having significant circuits connected thereto and for electric motor systems controlled by the control of the motor structure. Also note 538+, for electric motors, per se, having means to control or adjust them by control of the structure of the motor.

320, Electricity: Battery or Capacitor Charging or Discharging, appropriate subclass for a battery or capacitor charging system that utilizes an electric generator as a source of charge energy.

322, Electricity: Single Generator Systems, appropriate subclasses for electric generator having electric control systems.

323, Electricity: Power Supply or Regulation Systems,

201, 204 for voltage magnitude and phase control systems utilizing motor generator or dynamo electric machine sets.

324, Electricity: Measuring and Testing, appropriate subclasses for electrical measuring or testing devices and

systems having electric generators or motors as part thereof. Note particularly

160+, for speed measuring systems having tachometer generators and subclasses 76.11+ for electric meters having electric generators or motors as part thereof.

335, Electricity: Magnetically Operated Switches, Magnets, and Electromagnets,

220+, for electromagnets with armatures (i.e., electric motor of the reciprocating type).

336, Inductor Devices, appropriate subclasses for structure of inductor devices, (e.g., transformers and inductive reactors), particularly for details of induction windings and coils, magnetic cores and cooling means for inductor.

363, Electric Power Conversion Systems, 102+, 150 and 174+ for electric power conversion systems utilizing dynamoelectric machine converters.

367, Communications, Electrical: Acoustic Wave Systems and Devices, appropriate subclass for compressional wave sensing systems having electro-vibrational transducers and for the corresponding transducers, per se.

416, Fluid Reaction Surfaces (i.e., Impellers), appropriate subclasses for electric motor driven impellers wherein the impeller is claimed as more than a named load.

417, Pumps,

410.1+, for pumps having electric drive motors.

505, Superconductor Technology: Apparatus, Material, Process,

150+, for high temperature (Tc 30 K) superconducting devices, and particularly subclasses 166+ for motors or generators.