.~ Articles containing nontextile porous material (e.g., foam, sponge, etc.)
Classification: 264/36.11
Articles containing nontextile porous material (e.g., foam, sponge, etc.):
(under subclass 36.1) Processes, wherein the article to be renewed or reconditioned contains randomly dispersed pores or voids and contains no textile.
(1) Note. Acceptable for this subclass are composite-structured articles wherein one article section may be porous while another article section is nonporous.
(2) Note. Utilizing putty to repair wooden articles for reuse is properly classified in this subclass since wood is considered to be inherently porous.
(3) Note. Renewal and reconditioning of fabric and cloth material (e.g., textiles, etc.) are excluded from placement in this subclass.
41, for processes of forming pores or voids.
317, for processes, generally, which involve the destruction of material which may leave a space or void. 321, for processes of reshaping previously foamed material.
413, for processes of producing or treating a porous product by direct application of electrical or wave energy.
915, for recycling of consumer used articles made of sponge-like, porous, or foamed material.