(under the class definition) Subject matter including structure peculiarly adapted for maintaining a mirror, picture, license plate, or similar flat plate-like viewable object in the desired viewable position on a vertical or horizontal surface such as a wall or table; or on other supporting structure.
(1) Note. The subject matter here usually relates to mounting pictures or mirrors on walls or to mounting mirrors on vehicles. For classification here, the mirror, picture or license plate should at most only be broadly claimed. Class 359, Optics: Systems (Including Communication) and Elements, especially subclasses 871+ provides for mirror details as classified together with supporting structure, and subclasses 515+ provides for signal reflectors as classified with supporting structure. This Class 248 provides for the combination of a mirror broadly together with its frame and its support. However, Class 52, Static Structures (e.g., Buildings), provides for a mirror frame, per se, and a mirror broadly claimed with its frame; see especially subclasses 474+ and 633+. Class 40, Card, Picture, or Sign Exhibiting, in subclass 700 provides for picture frames and in subclasses 745+ provides for such frames claimed in detail together with supporting structure. Class 40 also provides for frames whose use is indicated as for both mirrors and picture. Class 40 provides for picture and sign (including license plate) details with or without supporting structure.
(2) Note. As between this Class 248 and Class 359 a mere claiming of a plurality of signal reflectors of the Class 359 subclasses 515+ type does not preclude classification of subject matter otherwise classifiable in Class 248. However, if any physical arrangement or optical relationship between the signal reflectors is recited, classification is in Class 359. A mere plurality of image forming mirrors is classified in Class 359.
114+, for a support for a watch or clock combined with a mirror.
441.1+, for easel type picture or mirror supports. 549, for a mirror or picture support comprising a frangible or deformable component.
24, Buckles, Buttons, Clasps, etc.,
115+, for cord and rope holders; subclasses 572+ for separable fasteners; and subclasses 455+ for clasps.
40, Card, Picture, or Sign Exhibiting,
200+, for license plates, subclasses 584+ for signs subclasses 541+ for illuminated signs, and subclasses 152+ for picture frames. See also (1) Note above.
74, Machine Element or Mechanism, for remote control mechanisms.
359, Optics: Systems (Including Communication) and Elements,
515+, for signal reflectors and subclasses 838+ for a mirror or reflective element and particularly subclasses 871+ for this subject matter combined with supporting structure. See also (1) Note above.