.~.~ Electric course control

Current as of: June, 1999
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76 R  DF  .~ Automatic {10}
175.~.~ Electric course control {10}
176  DF  .~.~.~> Spaceship control
177  DF  .~.~.~> Multiple-axis altitude stabilization {2}
180  DF  .~.~.~> By change in altitude {2}
183  DF  .~.~.~> Of aircraft on its landing course {2}
189  DF  .~.~.~> By remote radio signal {1}
191  DF  .~.~.~> Acceleration control
192  DF  .~.~.~> With "dead-zone" control
193  DF  .~.~.~> With "softener" circuit
194  DF  .~.~.~> Monitoring circuit or response {1}
196  DF  .~.~.~> Override of automatic control by human pilot {1}


Classification: 244/175

(under subclass 76) System for automatically controlling

aircraft by means of electrical apparatus.

(1) Note. This is the generic subclass for the steering of dirigible craft automatically in two or three dimensions by means of electrical apparatus. Where significant structure of the ship, aircraft, or other vehicle is claimed, the patent is classified in the class providing for the particular craft. See the classes referred to under "SEARCH CLASS" below. Where no significant structure of the craft is claimed, and the rudder, ailerons, or other steering means is recited in the claims by name only, the patents which claim or disclose a motor for actuating the steering means are classified in accordance with the principles set forth in the following sections. It should be noted that where a motor control system and the device controlled by the motor is claimed, but the motor is not specifically recited in the claims or is recited only as a motor, the patent is classified in the motor class which provides for the type of motor disclosed. That is, if the system discloses that an electric motor is used to actuate the steering control device, the patent will be classified in Class 318, Electricity: Motive Power Systems. Where the patent discloses that either a nonelectric motor or an electric motor may be used to actuate the steering device, and the claims are not limited in any way to any particular type of motor, the patent is classified in the electric motor class. Note the following: (a) if the claims specify that two different craft control devices are controlled, even though the control devices are recited by name only (e.g., as rudder and elevator), the patent is excluded from the motor class and will be classified in this or the other appropriate craft class; (b) the nonelectric motor classes will provide for the combination of a motor controlling a single steering means recited by name only where no significant structure of the craft is recited and where no subject matter is claimed which limits the invention to use with a moving craft. Examples of subject matter considered to limit the invention to use with a moving craft are movable sensing means to be directed upon a target or in a reference direction, as a scanning antenna or photocell for determining the proper direction of steering with respect to the target or reference direction, or means responsive to a condition to maintain the craft upon a course, as a gyroscopic device. Mere remote control of the craft by transmitted energy (e.g., radio) where the control function is manually selected at the control station is not in itself considered to limit the invention to use with a moving craft; (c) Class 318, Electricity: Motive Power Systems, provides for electric motor systems where one or more electric motors are controlled. Class 318, provides for electric motor controlled steering within the limitations of the paragraphs above even though subject matter is claimed which limits the invention to use with a moving device. For example, the mere inclusion of a movable antenna which is to be directed in a reference direction for determining the proper heading of the craft with respect to a fixed point will not exclude the patent from Class 318; (d) the above lines apply to systems using radiant energy (e.g., radio) to

control the motor. Class 340, Communications: Electrical, subclasses 825.69 and 825.72 provide only for radiant energy systems for controlling devices other than radiant energy signaling devices where the device is so broadly recited as to form no basis of classification in any other class. An apparent exception should be noted with respect to Class 343, Communications: Radio Wave Antennas, in the systems which include a vehicle having a directional antenna fixed with respect to the vehicle so that as the vehicle is turned the directional antenna is also turned. These systems will be classified in Class 343, (see subclasses 711+ especially) irrespective of whether or not significant motor system, motor steering means or craft structure is claimed if the ultimate function of the apparatus can be construed as merely orienting a directional antenna by automatic means. If the directional antenna is movably mounted on the craft, and the craft also has gyroscopic means to maintain the craft upon a course, the system will not be classified in Class 343, but will be classified according to (b) and (c) above, as the craft is not controlled solely by radiant energy, but is controlled by two different sensing means, (i.e., the gyroscope and the radiant energy control means).


3.1+, for trajectory control or stabilizing means for missiles

SEE OR SEARCH CLASS 33, Geometrical Instruments,

328+, for an altitude indicator usable in an aircraft.

60, Power Plants,

698+, for work producing systems having plural motors or having diverse types of energy input.

73, Measuring and Testing,

178+, for a navigation instrument.

91, Motors: Expansible Chamber Type, appropriate subclasses for expansible chamber motors and controls therefor, and see particularly

361+, and 459 for those involving electrical control, and subclasses 165+ and 508+ for plural expansible chamber motors.

102, Ammunition and Explosives,

384, for drop bombs having control means, including electrical controls for controlling the source of flight.

114, Ships, 21.1, for torpedoes controlled from a remote station means involving electrical circuits, and subclasses 23+ for torpedoes with automatic control of the steering which include electrical circuits, and subclasses 144+ for the miscellaneous automatically controlled steering or speed control of ships. See (2) Note, above.

180, Motor Vehicles,

167+, as explained in the reference to that class (180) appearing in subclass 75 above.

246, Railway Switches and Signals,

4, 7, 29+, and 189 for railway train control and signaling systems utilizing radiant energy.

250, Radiant Energy,

200+, and the classes and subclasses specified in the notes thereto for photosensitive electrical circuits.

280, Land Vehicles,

263+, and 771+ for miscellaneous steering mechanism for land vehicles.

318, Electricity: Motive Power Systems, appropriate subclasses, for electric motor systems. See (2) Note, above. See

16, where the motor is supplied or controlled by space transmitted electrical energy (e.g., radio). See subclasses 34+ for the plural motor systems (see (2) Note, above). See subclass 445 and the subclasses specified in the notes thereto for the automatically controlled motor systems, note subclass 460 where the automatic means responds to sound or mechanical vibrations, subclass 480 where the automatic means responds to light or radiant energy other than electrical waves, subclass 481 where the automatic means responds to fluid pressure, subclasses 648+ where the automatic means responds to direction, inclination angular position or to a change thereof, subclasses 561+ for adaptive or optimizing systems, subclasses 563+ for protective or reliability increasing features including fail-safe systems, redundant systems, monitoring systems and maneuver or force limiting systems, subclasses 580+ for all types of single axis vehicular guidance, subclass 591 for multiple mode systems, e.g., manual to automatic, subclass 624 for dead band compensation, and subclasses 638+ for serve-mechanisms with particular error detectors responsive to a wide variety of conditions pertinent of this search.

340, Communications: Electrical, 945+, for communication involving aircraft condition, and

subclasses 825.69 and 825.72 for the use of radio to control a device other than a communication device.

701, Data Processing: Vehicles, Navigation, and Relative Location,

3+, for a calculator for vehicle control or condition indication.