(under the class definition) Apparatus combined with means to cause parts of the material undergoing treatment to move irregularly with respect to each other so as to cause them to commingle.
(1) Note. Agitators which merely assist in the feed or discharge and do not act to commingle the materials are excluded and will be found in the various feeding and discharging subclasses. Likewise, plows and the like for moving the material to and from the comminuting zone are excluded and will be found in the various comminutor groups. Agitation by the comminutor elements themselves is excluded, i.e., while the agitation and comminution may be coincident, the agitator elements must be distinct from the instrumentalities which effect the comminution. The material undergoing treatment by the agitator must be that which has been, will be, or is being treated in the comminutor. Comminutors combined with agitators which mix material other than that being comminuted are classified in subclasses 101.01+ of this class (241).
38+, for comminutors combined with means to apply a fluid to the material for agitation or other purposes.
97, for agitators which act to recirculate material to the comminuting zone.