(under the class definition) Apparatus comprising a distributor or terminal outlet member specially adapted to spray a liquid onto the interior or exterior of a transparent panel.
(1) Note. Relative to the special subject matter under this definition the line set forth under (1) and (2) of Class Definition Lines With Other Classes, Art Device Combinations and Support has been construed as follows in the example of a device for spraying a liquid onto the transparent panel of a vehicle:
Under (1), Class 239 will take a claim which includes the distributor or terminal outlet member, the transparent panel and (A) the coolant liquid supply of the vehicle as a source of the liquid to be discharged, or (B) the engine or a part thereof used as heating means for the liquid or as the source of pressure or vacuum fluid to assist in discharging the liquid, or (C) the vehicle body or a part thereof serving as the liquid receptacle or support thereof. Under (2), Class 239 will take a claim including the spray device or terminal outlet member and the transparent panel where the claimed relationship is merely the positioning of the parts for the spray to be directed towards or onto the panel (e.g., adjacent to "in front of", "at the rear of", "directed towards", "along an upper edge").
15, Brushing, Scrubbing, and General Cleaning,
250.01+, for windshield cleaners combined with fluid applying means.
34, Drying and Gas or Vapor Contact With Solids, appropriate subclasses for windshield driers and particularly 191, for a pulsating gas flow.
52, Static Structures (e.g., Buildings),
171.1+, for a window and spray means combined with an additional feature of a static structure.
454, Ventilation,
85, 93, 121+, and 198 for directing an air current to either side of a transparent panel to remove condensation.