(under the class definition) Methods and means in which mixed materials or articles are subjected to the suspending influence of a fluid or fluids, either gaseous or liquid, generally in motion, under conditions permitting the collection of such material or articles as respond equally or in like manner to the suspending influence, and where all of the material is subjected to the suspending influence and none maintained as a stratum.
(1) Note. All of the materials are subjected to the lifting or conveying effect of the fluid, and those that ar not lifted or conveyed collected separately from those that are, or the materials may be separately collected in accordance with the rates at which they settle out or the distances they are conveyed by the fluid.
(2) Note. Where one or more of the materials remain as a stratum or strata and the remainder are removed therefrom by the fluid, the case comes under Stratifiers, in this class.
(3) Note. The distinction between the fluid suspension of this class and Classes 95, Gas Separation: Processes, 96, Gas Separation: Apparatus, and 210, Liquid Separation or Purification, is that in the fluid suspension of this class there is separation of solids according to different characteristics thereof, while in Classes 95, 96, and 210 there is sought an indiscriminate collection of suspended material without an attempt to separate and collect the solids in different grades or classes. Where the operation is a decanting one primarily to separate the solids from liquid, and there is a merely incidental overflow of light solids, Class 210 takes the case; but where there is
provision for the positive removal of one solid from another or for the collection of the overflowing solid as such separately from the settling solids it finds a place in this class.
19, Textiles: Fiber Preparation, appropriate subclasses, for mechanically isolating fibers and for fiber manipulation to put them in condition for use. 95, Gas Separation: Processes, see (3) Note above.
96, Gas Separation: Apparatus, see (3) Note above.
99, Foods and Beverages: Apparatus,
518+, for fluid separation apparatus.
210, Liquid Purification or Separation (see (3) Note).
241, Solid Material Comminution or Disintegration,
19, 20, 38+ for comminutors combined with means to apply fluid to the material to effect the separation thereof.
406, Conveyors: Fluid Current, appropriate subclasses, for fluid current conveyors, per se.