Current as of: June, 1999
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557TRAY TYPE {9}
558  DF  .~> Plural lateral array
559  DF  .~> With content manipulator means
560  DF  .~> With content latch means
561  DF  .~> With partition
562  DF  .~> With aperture for article {1}
564  DF  .~> With recess or groove for article
565  DF  .~> With article retainer
566  DF  .~> For jewelry
567  DF  .~> For refuse


Classification: 206/557

(under the class definition) A container comprising an open shallow container.

(1) Note. Included here is a generally flat panel with a raised or low rim which includes further article retainer means.

(2) Note. Also included here and in indented subclass is a tray insert or retainer, per se, which holds or supports an article, which insert or retainer is not provided for elsewhere.

(3) Note. Also included here is a configured panel, which configuration holds or positions one or more articles of mating configuration either in whole or in contacting part.

(4) Note. Compartments, partitions or cells combined with tray structure are also included here where such features are specific or peculiar to the article content. (Classes 217, 220, and 229 for general compartmented containers).

(5) Note. The noun "tray" in a claim without some structural modification falling within the above definition, is not enough for classification in this subclass. For example, a mere "medicine tray" or a "serving tray" is not classified here, while a "shallow tray" or a "tray with a flange" may be classified here. (6) Note. Many of the features provided for in subclasses higher in this class schedule are of the "tray type". A careful consideration of such features is required to complete the search for "tray" characteristics.

(7) Note. The "tray" may be made of wood, plastic, paper, metal, etc.

(8) Note. This and indented subclasses (557+) provide for tray structure with or without additional article retainer means. See the search notes below for trays or tray-like structure in multiple array.


.8+, for a coin tray.

5+, for an eyeglass or spectacle tray.

96+, for match and debris tray structure.

215, for a stationery or carbon paper container.

246, for tobacco and ash tray structure.

425, for a file for plural cards or sheets.

553, for a flatware or kitchen tool tray.

554+, for a desk tray with access for manual content removal. 736+, for a container convertible to or from a display configuration.


40, Card, Picture, or Sign Exhibiting,

446+, for tray structure combined with changeable exhibitor means, 380+, for tray structure combined with shiftable display means, and 124+, for card rack means.

211, Supports: Racks, appropriate subclasses for trays or tray-like structure in multiple array. Class 211 provides for two or more trays structurally related so that content of each tray is simultaneously accessible.

294, Handling: Hand and Hoist-Line Implements,

144, and 172 for article carrying trays which are not specially configured for supporting a particular article.

312, Supports: Cabinet Structure, appropriate subclasses for a tray combined with enclosing structure, with or without means to shift such tray relative to its enclosure.

402, Binder Device Releasably Engaging Aperture or Notch of Sheet, appropriate subclasses for a releasable sheet (card or panel) impaling retainer. Nominal recital of tray or container combined with such retainer is provided for in Class 402. The inclusion of specific structural details of a tray will effect classification in this (557+) subclass.