(under subclass 452) Apparatus in which the actuator comprises a device for applying the power of a continuously moving source of power to the earth working element for the period of time necessary to move it from one position of adjustment to another.
(1) Note. The source of power may be a ground wheel or motor. However, those devices in which the adjustment of the earth working element is accomplished by applying the power of a propelling means to shifting a hitch are not included. See subclasses 605+ for such devices.
129, for means utilizing the power from a ground wheel to adjust an earth marker.
231, for parallel separate tools alternating for right or left hand operation which are independently operated by power derived from a ground wheel.
293+, for a series of like elements sequentially operated by a power cycle which may be derived from a power take-off.
402, and 403+, for devices having an actuator and means interconnecting the actuator and a plurality of wheels for vertically adjusting the wheels wherein the power for the actuator is derived from a ground wheel.
407+, for power-operated means for vertically adjusting a ground support including power take-off devices.
485+, for power-actuating means with manual adjusting or supplemental manual-actuating means.
56, Harvesters,
388, 392 for rakes adjusted by a power take-off means deriving power from a wheel.