.~ Having structure for converting from one mode of operation to another; e.g., valve to packer
Classification: 166/76.1
Having structure for converting from one mode of operation to another; e.g., valve to pack-off:
(under subclass 75.11) Above ground apparatus whose function is changed (a) by reassembling all or some of their parts in a different relationship or (b) by adding or omitting a part.
(1) Note. Since well casing heads are commonly arranged (e.g., with threaded bolts) so that parts may be interchanged, added or omitted, the convertability feature must be explicitly discussed in the specification and recited in the claim for classification here.
(2) Note. The mere use of a valve to shut off flow so parts may be interchanged, without removal of the valve, is not considered enough for classification in this subclass.
102, for a class device convertible to a nonclass device.