.~ Chemical inter-reaction of two or more introduced materials (e.g., selective plugging or surfactant)
Classification: 166/300
(under subclass 244.1) A process comprising placing from above ground level, two or more materials into the well which chemically react with each other in the well or earth.
(1) Note. The reaction may be between one introduced material and a product produced by the reaction of another introduced material with a material found in the well.
(2) Note. The word "material" in the definition is intended to mean an unformed or particulate material or a material which has a form for purposes of the process but is not a device such as a tool, pipe, closure disk, or the like, which has an independent function in the well.
59, for apparatus comprising a burner in the well.
260, for an in situ combustion process comprising introducing fuel or a catalyst into the pores of the formation. 262, for an in situ combustion process in which there is a solid fuel in the well.
270, for a process involving input and output wells and in which there is a chemical interreaction in the pores of the formation of material introduced into the input well.
276, for a process of forming a porous, cementitious material to form a filter.
283, for a process for fracturing a formation, said process having a specific low fluid loss feature and including braking a low fluid loss compound or composition.
292+, for a cementing, plugging or consolidating process involving chemical reaction of introduced materials.
299, for a process involving a chemical reaction which produces an explosion.
309, for a process for producing foam or gas in a well by reaction of a foam or gas producing material with material already in the well.
311+, for a cleaning process in which the material being removed has been introduced before the cleaning process starts.
175, Boring or Penetrating the Earth,
64, for processes of boring including a chemical reaction with the earth formation or a drilling fluid constituent.