.~ Specific low fluid loss feature for fluid attacking formation

Current as of: June, 1999
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244.1  DF  PROCESSES {39}
282.~ Specific low fluid loss feature for fluid attacking formation


Classification: 166/282

(under subclass 244.1) A process in which a fluid is introduced into the pores of the earth to chemically react with the earth or deposits in the earth to enlarge the pores of the earth and there is a specifically claimed feature of the process for limiting travel of the fluid in the pores of the formation.

(1) Note. See (1) Note of subclass 307 for the meaning of "deposits in the earth".

(2) Note. The feature to limit travel of the fluid may relate to an addition in the fluid or to another material placed in the pores of the formation or in the well in contact with the formation acting to limit or block flow of

the attacking fluid in all directions or to deflect the flow to a desired direction. A mechanical means for directing flow such as a packer in the well bore is not included. The blocking or flow directing material is sometimes called a blanketing material.


281, for processes relating to separate steps for (1) cementing, plugging or consolidating and (2) attacking the formation in which the cementing, plugging or consolidating material may limit loss of the attacking fluid.