.~ Providing porous mass of adhered filter material in well
Classification: 166/276
(under subclass 244.1) A process comprising establishing a mass of material having small irregular interstices in the well at the location where earth fluid enters the well so as to act as a filter for such fluid.
(1) Note. The material may be made porous before or after it is placed in the well. It must continue to be an adhered mass after being made porous.
(2) Note. The mass of material must be coherent or made of adhered particles. A bed of separate unadhered particles such as a gravel bed is not included. See subclass 278 for a process of making an unadhered bed of particles.
278, for a process of graveling or filter forming.
280, for a specific propping feature for a fracture.
285+, and the subclasses there noted for a process of cementing, plugging or consolidating which may include establishing a porous mass of adhered particles in the formation, especially subclass 295 for a process in which the cementing or consolidating material is or has an ingredient which is a resin.