.~ Distinct, separate injection and producing wells {7}
.~.~ Injected fluid comprises water and material other than inorganic gas
Classification: 166/275
(under subclass 268) A process in which a fluid mixture or solution comprising water and a material other than an inorganic gas, is introduced into the pores of the earth.
(1) Note. The "material" must be other than a material which is already present in the source water. Thus a natural brine would not comprise an added "material" but a naturally occurring water to which salt has been added would have an added "material".
(2) Note. See (1) Note in subclass 268 for the classification of a patent claiming placing a fluid into the formation but not claiming an output well.
273, and 274, for a process involving input and output wells in which two or more separate fluids are introduced into the formation. Patents in subclasses 273 and 274 which disclose significant species relating to introducing a single fluid mixture or solution comprising water and a material other than inorganic gas should be cross-referenced to subclass 275.
305.1+, and the subclasses there noted for processes of recovering fluid from a well involving placing a fluid into