.~ Simultaneous mechanical defibration and chemical treatment
Classification: 162/26
(under subclass 1) Processes in which the fibrous material is
subjected to concurrent attrition or defibration and chemical digestion or treatment.
17+, for continuous processes for treating fibrous material in which the material is subjected to a chemical treatment and simultaneous defibration.
23, for processes of mechanically defibering fibrous material in the presence of a gas at elevated temperature or pressure.
24+, for processes in which the chemical treatment is initiated subsequent to the start or completion of mechanical defibration.
235, for apparatus for concurrently digesting and chemically treating fibrous material. SEE OR SEARCH CLASS
241, Solid Material Comminution or Disintegration, particularly
15+, for processes of mechanically comminuting defibering fibrous materials with application of a fluid to the material not involving any chemical treatment of the fibrous material.