(under subclass 41.01) Cooling systems in which (1) vaporization is intended to occur, as evidenced by the creation of vapor in the jacket, the provision of vapor space therein or by a circulating system requiring vapor for its operation; (2) a closed system is provided which is claimed to be operated at pressures other than atmospheric; (3) there is manipulation to change the normal boiling point of the coolant in a part of the system as by providing a vacuum or pressurizing; or (4) a condenser is interposed in the system other than and/or in addition to the normal passage of the liquid coolant through a heat exchanging radiator, as (a) the radiator is vented through a condenser, or into the circulating fluid, (b) the radiator is modified to mix or recirculate vapors, or (c) the outlet from the water jacket enters the radiator at the bottom.
(1) Note. Vapor type operation may occur only in the starting and warming up period of motor operation.
41.19, for refrigerating type coolers which involve vaporizing a nonaqueous primary coolant.