Inventions relating to manually-operated means used in connection with make-and-break sparking devices for determining the time in the cycle of operation of the engine at which the electrodes shall be separated and the combustible charge ignited. Includes manually-operated devices for temporarily delaying the ignition of the combustible charge when the engine is to be started for the purpose of preventing a reversal of rotation of the engine at such times.
(1) Note. Patents disclosing devices designed for use with and to form a part of a high-tension electric igniting system for internal-combustion engines and including an electric circuit having suitable means therein for making and breaking such circuit and also means for adjusting the circuit making and breaking mechanism to vary the time at which the ignition of the charge takes place do not appear in this subclass as cross-references. For such devices see this class, subclass 146.5, and indented subclasses, and Class 200, Electricity: Circuit Makers and Breakers, subclasses 19.05, 19.11, 19.19, and 319.21+.
(2) Note. For devices for regulating the speed of an internal-combustion engine by automatically varying the time at which the charge therein is ignited, see this class, subclasses 406+.
(3) Note. For devices for determining the time at which the ignition of the charge shall take place in combination with means designed to act upon and regulate the exhaust-valve of the engine, generally for the purpose of facilitating the starting thereof, see subclass 150 in this class.
(4) Note. Patents classifiable in other make-and-break subclasses but which discloses specific spark adjusting or timing mechanism, appear in this subclass as cross-references. Inasmuch, however, as make-and-break sparking devices ordinarily include means for varying the adjustment thereof, so that the charge will be ignited at the proper time, a search involving an adjusting or timing mechanism may extend to all make-and-break subclasses.