114 / | HD | SHIPS |
312 |  | SUBMERSIBLE DEVICE {15} |
313 | DF | .~> With disparate vehicle feature |
314 | DF | .~> Underwater habitat |
315 | DF | .~> Diver assistance device |
316 | DF | .~> With weapon or weapon system {3} |
321 | DF | .~> Having storage hold |
322 | DF | .~> Detachably connected to a main vessel {1} |
326 | DF | .~> Having buoy {3} |
330 | DF | .~> Having attitude control {1} |
334 | DF | .~> Having air supply |
335 | DF | .~> Having air locks |
336 | DF | .~> Emergency equipment |
337 | DF | .~> Having propulsion unit {1} |
339 | DF | .~> Superstructure {1} |
341 | DF | .~> Hulls with transverse reinforcement |
342 | DF | .~> Hull within a hull |