(under subclass 368) Apparatus including cam and cam follower elements which are movable relative to each other to cause a camming action and also to cause relative movement without a camming action (i.e., a noncamming movement), the input signal means, the valve means and the working member being operatively connected to the elements such that the input signal means will cause operation of the valve means to initiate movement of the working member by moving a first one of the elements relative to the second by either a camming movement or a noncamming movement while the working member remains stationary; the operation of the valve means causing
movement of the working member which will cause the second element to move relative to the first element by a movement of the other type than that caused by the input signal means to cause operation of the valve means to stop movement of the working member while the input signal means remains stationary.
(1) Note. Devices in which a straight lever is operatively connected to the input signal means, the valve means and the working member and one or more of such connections is of the pin and slot type to permit lost motion to accommodate for the difference in motion of parts, e.g., rectilinear motion of a valve stem and pivotal motion of the lever are not considered to be a cam and follower follow-up for this subclass and will generally be found in subclass 384.
(2) Note. See (1) Note under subclass 380 for an explanation of the distinction between this subclass and subclass 380.