(under subclass 202) Device wherein the only work-moving means is a work stop which is cyclically moved against the work which has been presented thereto (by means not claimed), to position or register the work prior to the tool stroke.
(1) Note. The "stop" in this subclass serves only to give the final location or positioning motion to work which has been presented to the machine, manually or by unclaimed work-moving means, and the stop is not claimed as a clamping or gripping means.
206, 282+, and 452+, for an actuated abutment or jaw which cooperates with another abutment to frictionally grip the work.
250+, for such device combined with ordinary work-feed means.
268+, and 391+, for abutment work stops which do not move the work. 418+, for work moving means and an additional work positioning means.