(under the class definition) Apparatus including means to impart an impermanent change of shape (i.e., within the elastic limit) to work material located in the cutting zone - except apparatus in which such means comprises a rotatable cylindrical anvil about which work is trained and which cooperates with another cutter to produce substantially the same cut that would be produced if the work were presented rectilinearly to such other cutter.
(1) Note. This subclass includes (but is not limited to) patents for devices which deform the work material, as above defined, and in whose operation such deformation is prerequisite to effect a predetermined line of cut; that is to say, the desired cut could not be effected in the absence of the deformation while operating the machine in the intended manner.
(2) Note. Thus, a patent directed to means for compressing, or stretching, a resilient workpiece and subsequently cutting same to impart a dished product surface configuration upon release of the deforming forces would be properly placed in this subclass.
17+, for a corresponding method.
226, Advancing Material of Indeterminate Length, 88, for means to deform material of indeterminate length to facilitate feeding of the material.