(under subclass 5) Gyroscopes combined with structure other than the gyroscope, except means to control and/or drive the mechanism.
(1) Note. The large majority of patents found here are of the stabilizing type and recite the device stabilized by name only. Where structure of the device over and above that necessary to mount the device is claimed, or where a particular relationship to the device is claimed, the patents have been classified with the device.
5.4+, for gyroscope control.
5.37, for drives for plural gyroscopes.
5.7, for drives for single gyroscopes. 64, for inertia or centrifugally controlled rotary transmitters.
33, Geometrical Instruments,
230, 236, and 275, for straight-line-light-ray instruments utilizing a gyroscope and subclasses 316+ and 318+, for direction sensing and indicating instruments utilizing a gyroscope.
73, Measuring and Testing,
504.2+, for a gyroscope combined with a speed responsive device.
105, Railway Rolling Stock,
141+, for monorail type railway rolling stock combined with gyroscopes and subclasses 150+, for suspended monorail type rolling stock combined with gyroscopes.
114, Ships,
21.1, and 24, for gyroscopically controlled torpedo steering mechanism; subclass 122, for gyroscopic anti-rolling stabilizers combined with ships; and subclass 144, for gyroscopic controlled steering.
244, Aeronautics,
79, for gyroscope actuated automatic aircraft control. 396, Photography,
13, for an aerial camera which is gyroscopically stabilized.
446, Amusement Devices: Toys,
233+, for gyroscopic toys, and subclass 462 for wheeled toys having inertia-operated driving means.
475, Planetary Gear Transmission Systems or Components, for gyroscopically controlled planetary gearing.