(under the class definition) Device comprising a tool-couple* and means to drive or guide one element of said couple in a predetermined path relative to the other element of said tool-couple to effect an operation of the class type, the tool-face* of at least one such element having a portion of three-dimensional configuration (e.g., grooved, concave, etc.).
(1) Note. Flat-face tool couples are excluded from this subclass because their functions are varied and nonspecialized. Devices of the patents in this subclass are usually special-purpose machines (e.g., for die forging, for embossing sheet metal, for bending, etc.).
(2) Note. Metal-deforming apparatus comprising relatively movable tools of specified shape, if not provided for in a preceding subclass, is generally placeable in the subclass or one of its indented subclasses; the tool-couple, per se, is classified in subclasses 470+ and a single tool element in subclasses 462+.