(under subclass 100) Subject matter further comprising an object-oriented data structure and its maintenance in
(1) Note. This subclass includes object-oriented data organization.
500+, for document processing, per se, in particular, subclass 501 for hypermedia.
513, for structured documents (e.g., HTML, SGML, ODA, CDA).
515+, for compound documents.
SEE OR SEARCH CLASS 345, Computer Graphics Processing, Operator Interface Processing, and Selective Visual Display Systems,
339+, for on-screen workspaces or objects, subclasses 348+ for icon objects, and subclasses 352+ for menus.
395, Information Processing System Organization,
500.02+, for circuit design, subclasses 500.34+ for simulating electronic device and electrical system which may employ object-oriented data structure, subclass 527for design and analysis environments directed to circuit design, and physical system design which may include the use of libraries or objects, and subclasses 701+ for software development tools, per se, including computer aided software engineering and object-oriented programming environments.