(under subclass 500) Subject matter wherein a monoolefin hydrocarbon undergoes a skeletal rearrangement of its carbon atoms.
(1) Note. The hydrocarbon may go from a straight chain configuration to a branched configuration, from a less branched to a more branched configuration, or it may go in the reverse order from a more branched to a less branched or to a straight configuration.
350, 477, 601, and 734+, for skeletal isomerization reactions which produce alicyclic, aromatic, diolefin, and paraffin products, respectively.
371+, for skeletal isomerization which results in enlarging or contracting an alicyclic ring.
375+, 470+, 643+, and 708, for processes in which a hydrocarbyl moiety from one molecule is transferred to another molecule to produce an alicyclic, aromatic, olefinic, or paraffin compound, respectively.