(under subclass 500) Subject matter wherein the process recites the composition of apparatus employed in the process, e.g., a stainless steel reactor wall, a refractory ceramic baffle, etc.
(1) Note. Materials which move through or are readily removable from the apparatus, e.g., catalyst beds, are not considered part of the apparatus for this subclass.
403, 503 and 537, for aromatic synthesis, olefin polymerization, and alkyne syntheses, respectively, using apparatus of recited composition.
920, for a collection of patents using such apparatus in other processes.
921+, for a collection of patents in which the effectiveness of a process depends upon the use of apparatus having a defined structural configuration, independent of the composition of the structure.
950, for a collection of patents disclosing prevention of solid deposits on apparatus by forming a permanent or temporary protective coating of named composition on surfaces of same.