Current as of: June, 1999
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301  DF  .~> Thymopoietin or Lipotropin; related peptides
302  DF  .~> Endorphin and Enkephalin; related peptides
303  DF  .~> Insulin; related peptides {2}
306  DF  .~> Corticotropin (ATCH); related peptides
307  DF  .~> Calcitonin; related peptides
308  DF  .~> Glucagon; related peptides
309  DF  .~> Secretin or gastrin; related peptides
310  DF  .~> Gramicidin or Tyrocidin; related peptides
311  DF  .~> Somatostatin (SRIF); related peptides
312  DF  .~> Melanotropin (MSH) or eledoisin; related peptides
313  DF  .~> Lutenizing hormone releasing factor (LRF); related peptides
314  DF  .~> Bradykinin; kallidin; related peptides
315  DF  .~> Oxytocin; vasopressin; related peptides
316  DF  .~> Angiotensin; related peptides
317  DF  .~> Cyclic peptides {3}
322  DF  .~> Peptides containing saccharide radicals, e.g., bleomycins, etc.
323  DF  .~> Peptides with at least one nonpeptide bond other than a disulfide bond joining two or more sequences of amino acid residues, e.g., homomeric heterodectic peptide other than cyclic disulfide, depsipeptides, etc.
324  DF  .~> 25 or more amino acid residues in defined sequence
325  DF  .~> 24 amino acid residues in defined sequence
326  DF  .~> 15 to 23 amino acid residues in defined sequence
327  DF  .~> 11 to 14 amino acid residues in defined sequence
328  DF  .~> 8 to 10 amino acid residues in defined sequence
329  DF  .~> 6 to 7 amino acid residues in defined sequence
330  DF  .~> 4 to 5 amino acid residues in defined sequence
331  DF  .~> Tripeptides, e.g., tripeptide thyroliberin (TRH), melanostatin (MIF), etc.
332  DF  .~> Containing at least one abnormal peptide link, e.g., gamma peptide bonded, etc.
333  DF  .~> Synthesis of peptides {4}
344  DF  .~> Separation or purification
345  DF  .~> Chemical aftertreatment, e.g., acylation, methylation, etc.


Classification: 530/300


(under the class definition) Compounds consisting of three or more amino acids joined covalently by peptide bonds.

(1) Note. A peptide bond is an amino bond between the carboxyl group of one amino acid and the amino group of another.

(2) Note. The border line, for purposes of subclasses 300 to 427, between peptides and proteins has been drawn at 100 amino acid residues or a molecular weight of about 10,000 where the number of residues is unknown.

(3) Note. Related peptides. A peptide is classifiable in a given subclass if its structure corresponds to at least half the amino acid residues of the named peptide. The product of side chain substitution, C or N terminal chain will be classified with the named peptide as related peptides. The product of a replacement reaction will be classified as a related peptide so long as less than half the amino acid residues of the named peptide have been replaced. The product of a removal reaction or a partial sequence (i.e., fragments) will be classifed as a related peptide if half the amino acid residues of the named peptide are present. Polypeptides which are formed by joining the named peptide of identical sequence to the named peptide should be originally classified on the basis of the named peptide and cross-referenced to the appropriate subclasses.

(4) Note. Functional Analogues. Peptides claimed or

disclosed as a functional analogue should be classified on the basis of structure, i.e., is the structure of the analogue a related peptide, and cross-referenced to the subclass providing for the named peptide that the patented peptide is claimed or disclosed as functioning like. If there is no structural information present in the patent or otherwise obtainable on the structural analogue, the patent should be originally classified in the generic peptide subclass and cross-referenced to the subclass providing for the named peptides.

(5) Note. Joined peptide subunits. In the case where peptide chains are joined by covalent bonding as by S-S bonds through cysteine the number of amino acids in the peptide is the sum of the individual chains.

(6) Note. IUPAC-IUB Nonmenclature. Published in Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. Titles: (1) Abbreviations and Symbols for chemical Names of Special Interest in Biological Chemistry; Revised Tentative Rules (1965); Section 5, Nucleic Acids and Nucleotides, year (1966), Volume 115, pages 1-12. (2) Abbreviated Designation of Amino Acid Derivatives and Peptides, year (1967), Volume 123, pages 1-5. (3) Rules for Naming Synthetic Modifications of Natural Peptides, year (1966), Volume 121, pages 6-8. (4) Abbreviated Nonmenclature of Synthetic Polypeptides (polymerized Amino Acid), year (1968), Volume 123, pages 633-637. (5) A One-Letter Notation for Amino Acids, year (1968), Volume 125, pages 1-5. (6) Abbreviations and Symbols for the Description of the Conformation of Polypeptides Chains; Tentative Rules (1969), year (1971), Volume 145, pages 405-421. (7) Note. CAS REGISTRY NUMBERS Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) Registry Numbers are unique identifiers assigned to chemical substances recorded in the CAS Chemical Registry System. The CAS Registry Number itself has no chemical significance; it is simply a machine-checkable number assigned to each substance as it enters the Registry System. CAS Registry Numbers appear in CA issues and in many computer-readable files. They also may be found in several primary journals, various handbooks, and in the National Library handbooks, and in the National Library of Medicine's TOXLINE and CHEMLINE computer-based information-retrieval services. For more about the CAS Chemical Registry System or Registry System or Registry Numbers consult the introduction to the CAS REGISTRY HANDBOOK-Number Section.

Medical Subject Headings: (1) Mesh Tree Numbers: Mesh numbers are identifiers applied to the National Library of Medicine's indexers to articles in the medical and related literature. The subject headings are Index Medicus headings and are arranged in a hierarchical matter. The abstracts and indexing are available on line through several data base suppliers. (2) Deleted Registry Numbers: The CA registry numbers found in the definitions of subclass 300 to 427 are the current registry numbers. However, due to the long history and incomplete structural knowledge of peptide and

protein chemistry, there are usually several deleted registry numbers for each current registry number. The current registry number should be used to find the deleted numbers in the registry file and should always be included in the online search statement. For further information on search technique related to deleted registry numbers see, CAS ONLINE NEWS May/June 1984, page 5.

(8) Note. Structure. The primary structure of the shorter peptide has been included in the definitions. For the larger peptides the Merck Monograph will often provide citations to articles disclosing the structure. The structure of the larger peptides and proteins may be found on the on-line services by using the compound name, Chemical Abstracts Registry Number, or National Library of Medicine's MESH tree number in combination with the terms "sequence" or "structure".

(9) Note. Compositions. In general a peptide or protein containing composition will be provided for in a class providing for the function or utility of the composition, e.g., medicine, food, Class 252, utilities, etc. A peptide mixed with a preserving agent whose sole function is to prevent chemical or physical change is provided for with the peptide or protein. A peptide derived from a single source material such as a plant or animal extract, so long as it is identified as a protein or peptide, is classified in this class (530) even if a Class 424 utility is disclosed or claimed. A plant or animal extract will be provided in Class 424 if it is (a) a single source material and (b) is of undetermined chemical constitution, i.e., is claimed in terms of isolation technique or physical properties. A recitation as broad as "peptide" is enough to defeat placement in Class 424 on the basis of utility. Class 424 will provide for an additive mixture containing a peptide and other ingredients if the mixture has a Class 424 utility.

(10) Note. Classification of the more common amino acids:

Amino Acids


Amino Acids commonly found in peptides and proteins:



Arginine 562/560



Aspartic acid






Glutamic acid

562/573 Glycine











562/559 Phenylalanine










Tyrosine 562/444

Rare amino acids from protein



5 Hydroxylsine


5 Hydroxyproline





548/335 E-N-Methyllysine


Nonprotein Amino Acids



V-Aminobutyric Acid






B-Cyanvalanine 260/465

Djenkolic acid









526/575 (11) Note. Synthetic Resins vs. Polypeptides. The conceptual difference between the subject matter of synthetic resins provided for in the 520 series and polypeptides (including proteins) provided for in Class 530 is that the compounds of the 520 series have statistically distributed amino acids or blocks of amino acids in their molecules in a random sequence whereas 530 provides for molecules composed of a specific sequence of amino acids defined identity and order (i.e., primary structure) having identity or closed relation to a humorial or cellular polypeptide or having some humorial or cellular effect due to its ordered structure.

(12) Note. Peptide and Protein Structure. The nature, i.e., identity, of the constituent amino acids and their sequence is referred to as the primary structure. A primary structure will have a definite three dimensional structure which is called the secondary structure (usually helical coiling). The secondary structure of a large peptide or protein is wrapped about and interwoven to develop the overall three dimensional structure of the molecule. This arrangement of the secondary structure is referred to as the tertiary structure and determines the alosteric properties of many proteins.


117, Single-Crystal, Oriented-Crystal, and Epitaxy Growth Processes; Non-Coating Apparatus Therefor, for processes for growing therein-defined single-crystal of all types of materials, including inorganic or organic.

424, Drug, Bio-Affecting and Body Treating Compositions, has the following subclasses for proteins or proteinaceous material 1.11+, for radionuclide or intended radionuclide containing; 418, 456, 460, 477+, 491+, 499, 520+; for a protein or peptide containing composition which functions as an antiperspirant or deodorant; 85.1+ for a composition containing a lymphokine; 130.1+ for a composition containing an immunoglobulin, an antiserum, an antibody, or an antibody

fragment; 184.1+ for a composition containing an antigen, an epitope, or another immunospecific immunoeffector that may be proteinaceous; 278.1+ for a composition containing a nonspecific immunoeffector that may be proteinaceous; 94.1+, for compositions containing proteins identified as enzymes; 520+, for compositions many of which are considered to be proteinaceous; an animal extract of undetermined constitution; 115+ for compositions which may be proteins or peptides identified by elemental analysis.

430, Radiation Imagery Chemistry: Process, Composition, or Product Thereof,

59, .6, 537, 539, 629, 640, 642, and 643 for compositions containing proteins used in forming an image.

435, Chemistry: Molecular Biology and Microbiology,

68.1+, for microbial or enzymatic synthesis of proteins and peptides; subclasses 183+ for the production of enzymes; and subclasses 74+ for the formation of immobilized enzymes and subclasses 269 and 272+ for the liberation or purification of proteins by means of a microorganism or enzyme, particularly subclass 273 for the purification of collagen or gelatin.

436, Chemistry: Analytical and Immunological Testing,

15, for a protein containing composition used as a standard or control; 16, for a blood standard; 66, for tests for hemoglobin or myoglobin, 66 for test for blood clotting factor tests, 86+ for tests for proteins or peptides including sequencing methods and subclass 501 for a complement binding assay and protein binding assays and subclasses 506-548 for tests using antigen antibody interactions in a chemical test, particularly subclasses 543-548 which collect methods of modifying antigens and antibodies as part of a testing procedure. 514, Drug, Bio-Affecting and Body Treating Compositions,

1, 21 and cross-reference art collections 800-809 which provide for compositions having a 424 utility containing a peptide or protein as an organic active ingredient.

524, Synthetic Resins or Natural Rubbers,

9+, for plant or derived cellular material, subclasses 17+ for proteins or biologically active polypeptides for a process in which the protein or polypeptide is physically mixed with a preformed resin and subclasses 70+ for a process of adding a protein or biologically active polypeptide to resin forming ingredients during reaction of the resin formers and the protein or polypeptide is nonreactive.

525, Synthetic Resins or Natural Rubbers,

54.1, for the chemical reaction of a peptide or protein with

a preformed resin and subclass 54.11 for processes of stepwise assembly of a polypeptide on a preformed polymer, i.e., solid phase synthesis when there is no claimed cleavage of the synthesized polypeptide.

526, Synthetic Resins or Natural Rubbers,

238.1, for the formation of a synthetic resin from a protein or biologically active polypeptide where the protein or polypeptide as well as all other reactants are ethylenically unsaturated.

528, Synthetic Resins or Natural Rubbers, particularly

328, for a polymer of amino acids and methods of making such a polyamino acid.

930, Peptide or Protein Sequence, 10+, for peptide or protein sequences of four or more amino acids.