Current as of: June, 1999
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510  DF  .~> Vacuum or inert atmosphere {2}
113  DF  .~> Reshaping {7}
127  DF  .~> Heating or cooling
111 RC  DF  .~> With reactive chemical

Unofficial Alpha Subclasses: R RC


Classification: 53/111

(under the class definition) Apparatus combined with means for subjecting the contents material, either before, after or during packaging, to an agency which alters a physical or chemical characteristic of the contents material or which prevents a constituent of the ambient atmosphere, or another

ambient condition from altering a physical or chemical characteristic of the contents material.

(1) Note. Other main classes appropriate to the type of treatment must be searched in addition to those listed hereunder as search classes.

(2) Note. Mere change of position of separate contents parts relative to one another, as by accumulating separate contents units into a group, or flowing fluent material into a receptacle, such as a contents charge holding chamber, is not regarded as treating the contents to change a physical property. Group forming of contents units combined with subsequent or further packaging is included in this class (53) in subclasses 147+. Apparatus having a contents charge holding chamber is not set out separately in this class (53), but may appear in any subclass.

(3) Note. This subclass includes apparatus having means to emboss a design or lettering upon the contents. See subclasses 113+ indented hereunder for apparatus having means to reshape the contents particularly subclass 122 for molding or plastic deformation.


113+, see (3) Note above. 122, see (3) Note above.

131.2+, for apparatus for package making including means for printing to form an adjunct on a cover.

135.1+, for apparatus for package making including means to apply a nonencircling strip, e.g., a stamp, label or gap filler.

147+, see (2) Note above.

428, for corresponding methods.

525, see (2) Note above.


99, Foods and Beverages: Apparatus,

352+, for apparatus to make an edible composite (e.g., pie, etc.) combined with cooking means.

131, Tobacco,

282, and 283 for tobacco products manufacture combined with packaging.

141, Fluent Material Handling, With Receiver or Receiver Coacting Means,

69, for filling receivers with fluent material including treating the contents when the treatment is of the "nonmanufacturing" type. Any treatment which, per se, would be included in any of the manufacturing classes has not been considered mere material handling for Class 141 and will be found in this and indented subclasses in Class 53.

144, Woodworking,

50+, for combined apparatus for or method of making and packaging matches.

221, Article Dispensing,

135+, for article dispensing apparatus having means to treat the articles dispensed.

222, Dispensing,

190, for fluent material dispensing apparatus having miscellaneous means to treat the material dispersed, and see the search notes to that subclass for other material treating combinations in the class.

425, Plastic Article or Earthenware Shaping or Treating: Apparatus,

112, for mold means to form a composite article from a preform and plastic material and means to reshape the preform.