(under subclass 334) Method or apparatus wherein the workpiece is a web of such length that the apparatus does not engage (recognize) both the leading end and the trailing end of the workpiece.
(1) Note. A spool or coil of work is considered to be "indeterminate length".
18, for an operation of this class utilizing a first and second sensor, one of which is a surface contacting sensor for indeterminate length work.
24+, for an operation of this class including the use of a sensor responsive to indeterminate length work.
97, for making a rigid container including assembling therewith a liner permanently secured to a wall of the container with use of an indeterminate length work supply.
193+, for making a pliable container including heat sealing of indeterminate length work.
380+, for assembling of this class wherein one workpiece is of indeterminate length. 404, for folding an indeterminate length workpiece by a roller.
410+, for overfolding or unfolding an indeterminate length workpiece.