(under subclass 12) Subject matter wherein in response to the interchange of roles between the input member* and output member* the path through which power is transmitted is changed.
(1) Note. To be placed herein the transmission must have a useful load at each of its input and output ends. Most of the patents herein disclose either motor-generators or motor-pumps used to start an engine which in turn drives the generator or pump.
74, Machine Element or Mechanism,
810.2, for the exchange of input and output roles using nonplanetary gearing.
290, Prime-Mover Dynamo Plants,
38, for gearing of this type combined with significant generator structure. [figure] [caption]one-way brake; motorpump unit; one-way clutch; pump-motor acts as input (underdrive) to start I.C. engine then I.C. engine drives motor-pump; I.C. engine; one-way clutch