(under subclass 57) Amusement device wherein the illusionary effect created by the device involves a magical trick or astonishing feat being performed by a person who is using
what appears to be a deck of conventional playing cards, whereby the means by which the trick or feat is performed is not apparent to a person observing the illusion.
(1) Note. The devices included in this subclass are generally of two types. In one type, an actual deck of conventional playing cards is used or manipulated by the device to perform magical tricks or astonishing feats with the conventional cards; but either the device itself is hidden from the observer, or the device is in view but keeps the manner of how it performs its trick or feat with the cards hidden from the observer. In the other type, the deck of playing cards appears to be quite conventional to an observer, but the cards have been either physically altered or altered in the number of cards, arrangement of the suits, etc., in a manner not detectable by the observer.
69, 71, or 72 above for other types of devices creating an illusionary effect in which playing cards may be used.