(under subclass 130) Subject matter wherein the operation of the receiver is controlled by at least one or more devices from a point geos:graphically spaced from the receiver.
(1) Note. The control system to be found in this and indented subclasses will include both means whereby the control function is performed electrically from a remote point over intervening wired or radio circuits and means whereby the control function is performed mechanically by mechanical means such as a Bowden wire or flexible shaft.
(2) Note. The term geos:graphically spaced means located at a distance of an order of magnitude comparable to, or greater than the receiver dimensions.
(3) Note. Radio wave remote control of a receiver, per se, is classified herein. Radio wave remote control of an external device (e.g., garage door opener) is classified in Class 340, subclasses 694+.
4.1+, for remote control of a distribution system.
31.1+, for systems with receiver selection (e.g., selective calling). 68+, for systems having a transmitter and a receiver at separate location with signal control.
88, for a transceiver controlling a separate transceiver or receiver.
92, for remote control of a transmitter.
151.1, for receivers with remote control of channel or station selection (e.g., tuning).
227+, for a receiver responsive to an input signal of a particular predetermined frequency which may be used to remotely control the receiver.
345, for remote control of a vehicle receiver.
74, Machine Element or Mechanism,
10+, for shaft operators of the radio tuner type which may be remotely controlled.
192, Clutches and Power-Stop Control,
.02, for electric motor control and clutch which may be utilized in radio receiver control means.
200, Electricity: Circuit Makers and Breakers, appropriate subclasses for switch means, per se, particularly 35+, for clock controlled switching means.
307, Electrical Transmission or Interconnection Systems,
116+, for condition responsive switching systems.
318, Electricity: Motive Power Systems,
16, for electric motor control systems.
327, Miscellaneous Active Electrical Nonlinear Devices, Circuits, and Systems,
518+, for miscellaneous control circuits.
329, Demodulators, appropriate subclasses for automatic control of a demodulator.
330, Amplifiers,
127+, for amplifier means combined with means to control the power supply or bias voltage.
331, Oscillators, 1+, for oscillators combined with automatic frequency stabilization means; subclasses 175+ for the frequency stabilization means; subclasses 177+ for frequency adjusting means; and subclasses 182+ for amplitude control or stabilization means for oscillators.
332, Modulators, appropriate subclasses for modulators combined with control means.
333, Wave Transmission Lines and Networks, appropriate subclasses for passive element networks with control means or having a controlling function. For example,
16, for pilot current controlled networks; subclasses 17.1+ of automatically controlled networks; and subclass 81 for attenuators.
336, Inductor Devices, appropriate subclasses for transformers or inductive devices with controlling means.
338, Electrical Resistors, appropriate subclasses for electrical resistance elements with control means, particularly
68+, for mechanically variable resistors.
340, Communications: Electrical,
825.69, and 825.72 for remote control signalling or indicating systems; subclass 539 for an alarm system automatically responsive to a condition with a radio coupling link; and subclass 696 for a transmitter used for remote control.
343, Communications: Radio Wave Antennas,
5+, for radar systems with control means; and subclasses 100+ for directive systems with control means.
359, Optics: Systems (Including Communication) and Elements, 142+, for light wave remote control of an external device.